Will you answer the call from God even if you don’t feel qualified?

As today begins and reflecting on a conversation I had yesterday about what God can do and will do if we will just answer His call. Be it the time when I was at a men’s retreat and felt God calling me to step up and get involved in my community by joining the homeowners’ … Continue reading Will you answer the call from God even if you don’t feel qualified?

Will you answer the call? It’s ringing! It’s for you!

Will you pick it up? Will you be bold and courageous? Will you keep fear and panic from your mind? Will you put your trust in God and do what you have been called to do? Will you trust God and walk close to Him so that in all Your ways He will make your … Continue reading Will you answer the call? It’s ringing! It’s for you!

Will you answer the call? What if it came with a promise?

Today’s reading starts with the calling and promise of God in Genesis 12. What would you have done being called to go but not knowing the final destination? Would you answer the call and continue to follow after God’s direction? Would you allow your own fear to cause you to overcome your faith and trust … Continue reading Will you answer the call? What if it came with a promise?

Call is coming in… Answer it? Voicemail? Block it?

When God calls, how will you respond? Will you answer and receive the commission? Will you step up and step into what God has planned for you? What if God called you to step up and step into being: I learned with the first adventure that if God calls me to it, He’ll get me … Continue reading Call is coming in… Answer it? Voicemail? Block it?

Let’s get this party started. Big joke that I call meetings parties.

The number of times I reach out and say to someone late for a meeting, “you coming to the party?” Well, a new week is here and lots of things to do. So let’s get this party started! I’ve joked that I would have had more people show up at parties if they hadn’t of … Continue reading Let’s get this party started. Big joke that I call meetings parties.

God’s calling you to do something new for His purpose

As I start today and consider pivot or turning points in my life, I reflect on a few years when big changes took place. Be it 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2013, and 2022 and how each of them required stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into something new. When I think of what … Continue reading God’s calling you to do something new for His purpose

Where are you today? Are you ready to make the call?

How far do you have to go before you are ready to make the call? How bad do things have to get before you are willing to make the call? How long will it take before you are able to make the call? Will you keep calling till you get an answer? Will you decide … Continue reading Where are you today? Are you ready to make the call?

What would you do or How would you choose to live your life if you had someone with all the answers available?

So imagine this, you have someone in your life who is able to give you the right advice for every situation. What would you do? Would you reach out regularly to make sure you make the right decision? Would you try to go it on your own and use them as a fallback? Would you … Continue reading What would you do or How would you choose to live your life if you had someone with all the answers available?

What is your calling? What is your purpose? What does success or completeness look like?

What is God calling you to do? Who is God calling you to be? Where is God calling you to go? When is God calling you? How did God call you? We know that God created each of us on purpose. We know that God created each of us with purpose. We know that God … Continue reading What is your calling? What is your purpose? What does success or completeness look like?

Ever been called to stop or step out? Ever been in a position of high visibility and effectiveness and then have it taken away?

As I ask these questions a few stories come to which each came with their own lessons. Once God called me to join a HOA that consisted of over ten thousand people and to get involved in the community I did. The He called me to step up into the role of president of the … Continue reading Ever been called to stop or step out? Ever been in a position of high visibility and effectiveness and then have it taken away?

Do you realize the similarity of response between when God calls and Nike?

When calls you to something you should just do it. When God calls you to do something you should just do it. I know from my own experiences that isn’t always an easy task because the call may not be easy to do. I know from my own experiences that if God calls you to … Continue reading Do you realize the similarity of response between when God calls and Nike?

Let’s check our heart and out minds and turn to God for the answer so as to accomplish His perfect plan and will.

The Story of Job. – Day 27 A new day of a new week of work. A new day with new plans to make. Last full sprint begins. Two day offsite begins. People traveling. Discussions to be had. Discerning to be required to know who is who. Discerning the messages in order to realize where … Continue reading Let’s check our heart and out minds and turn to God for the answer so as to accomplish His perfect plan and will.

How would you answer?

The Story of Job. – Day 17 Yesterday, even though our family wasn’t all together, even though our incredible friends and neighbors invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner with them, I am thankful because of the time with my kids where we went and saw a movie together (getting the early matinee showing of Playing … Continue reading How would you answer?

How will you respond to call God has put on your life?

What if there was an unplanned and divine appointment where someone tells you? What if there was a reading that you read? What if there was a message that you heard driving your car? What if there was an encounter while you were walking down the street? If the call is from God, will you … Continue reading How will you respond to call God has put on your life?

How have you been called to serve? Did you accept or decline?

How many times have you been called to serve? How have you been called to serve? Where have you been called to serve? When were you called to serve? What have you been called to serve? Who has called you to serve? Was it to serve your family? Was it to serve your community? Was … Continue reading How have you been called to serve? Did you accept or decline?

When you get the call will you accept it?

What if the phone rings and you don’t recognize the number, do you just answer it? What if the phone rings and the app tells you it could be a telemarketer, do you answer it? What if the phone rings and the number is hidden, do you answer it? What if the call was from … Continue reading When you get the call will you accept it?

How will you respond when you are called before the king?

Are you prepared for the day when you will be called before the authority? Are you prepared for the day when you will be asked to give a reason for the hope that is within you? Are you prepared for the day when you will be called to give an answer? Where does your answer … Continue reading How will you respond when you are called before the king?