Today after a few busy days where I made time to do my morning readings, but didn’t have time to post, looking at the stats for the blog was interesting as they were higher even though I didn’t post. So who is coming? Who is reading? Who is keeping up on the message I receive and share? Who is hearing the Good News?

During that window my reading brought to a conclusion in the book of John how Jesus gave it all and fulfilled prophesy. During that window I started the book of Luke that describes the precursor to Jesus’ birth.

Today the key for me is obedience. I am not posting the post for me. I am posting the post because God told me that my blog was supposed to be public. I am posting the blog to share God’s Word that He speaks to me for the exact situation I am going through that day. I am posting to the blog so I can share the incredible message God has for all of us and my testimony of what God is and has done in and through my life. (Victory comes through the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony) This is how we become over-comers!

As we head into Easter weekend…with today being Good Friday…It is amazing that today I would be reading about the birth of Jesus. Today symbolizing the day Jesus gave His life for us, dying on the cross. This weekend representing and remembering how He conquered the grave and making a way so that death would have no power over us. Jesus has overcome so that we may also be over-comers! At the same time, it makes me reflect on the fact that we need to be born again! A spiritual birth!

What would it take for you to believe? Consider carefully your answer, as we see the angels appear to the shepherds and how that was such a terrifying event (of course the angels tried to calm them down before giving them the good news saying “fear not”). Would it be something quiet and personal? Would it need to be something loud and frightening? What would it take for your life to be transformed? What would it take for something transformational to capture you and your life?

Would you have to see it with your own eyes to believe it? Or would hearing someone else’s story be enough?

Some people have been waiting for a long time to get the sign and when they get it, they are filled with joy and are complete!

Are you reaching for everything that God has planned and purposed for you? Are you running for the victory so that God’s glory will shine? Are you seeing the fruit of your labor by the results around you? What was the trigger that created the change? What got you to the point of being or getting baptized? Was it out of following His example? Was it out of obedience to His plan? We see even Jesus get baptized, giving us the example and demonstrating the importance of public baptism.

How is your life? Has it changed? Is it blossoming? Is it green? It’s a life change not just putting on a new appearance. It starts on the inside, in your heart! Consider where you are! Consider what you have! Consider what you are doing! Ask God what needs to change! Do you need to share more? Do you need to be more honest living a life with more integrity?

Do you know who you are? Are you pointing people to the real deal rather than trying to get the light put on yourself? Do you know where the answers are? Are you sharing that truth with others?

Jesus was baptized because it was important not just for him or for appearance, but so that we would know it is important to our walk.

Do you know your lineage? Do you realize that no matter how good or how bad it was God can use you in incredible ways? Have you ever looked up and considered who the family tree of Jesus was and what some of them have done? And look at all that God was able to do and did through Jesus! We don’t have to come from a perfect family, we just have to be willing to be obedient and used by God!

Happy Good Friday to you! 

I am not sure what your plans are for today,

but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight!

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