I still remember driving when 7×70 was playing and it broke my heart that the reason for my pain and bitterness was due to not forgiving others. I still remember the weight lifted off my shoulders as I forgave them. I remember the next thing that came to mind as I finished was, “as you forgive others, so I will forgive you”. I remember asking God to forgive me for I had felt the prompting for a while but resentment and bitterness that I wouldn’t let go of kept me from doing what God wanted. It has provided me with a testimony I get to share with many others who are feeling down or depressed, angry or untrusting and how forgiveness provides us with freedom, it is more about us and less about them. Hurting people hurt people.


Learn to Forgive Like Jesus

34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.

Luke 24:34

Prayer Starter:

Lord, when people hurt me, help me to see past my own pain and see their pain. Help me to love and forgive like Jesus.

Ever been in a situation where something happened to you that was so bad? Do you realize that God’s desire is for us to forgive so that we don’t carry the burden or the weight of that incident? LOVE  and do as God does and wants us to do.

…a teenager who was drinking and caused an accident that killed a man’s wife and child. The man knew God wanted him to forgive the young man who caused the accident, and through much prayer he was able to let the love of God flow through him.

That man knew how to forgive like Jesus. He understood that this young man was also hurt himself and needed healing.

Hurting people hurt people. We need to look beyond the incident, beyond the circumstance and into the heart. Consider how we should respond in LOVE.

When people hurt us, we should learn to look at what people have done to themselves instead of just looking at what they have done to us. Usually, when a person hurts someone else, he’s probably hurting himself at least as much and is suffering some fallout as a result. That’s why, as He hung on the cross in agony, Jesus said of His murderers, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’

Jesus has set an incredible example and has set the bar high for us to aim for. As the Olympic games are at hand, many have trained hard to be able to compete. Their coaches have set the bar for them, but now it is in their hands to execute. Jesus provided His Word and His examples, so now let’s execute in the power of the Holy  Spirit in a way that will glorify God and show others that we are His children.

That’s incredible forgiveness. Let that inspire you today. We all need to seek to forgive like Jesus.

— Notes from today’s devotional

Fearful to Fearless

He said, “Don’t be afraid. I know you’re looking for Jesus the Nazarene, the One they nailed on the cross. He’s been raised up; he’s here no longer. You can see for yourselves that the place is empty. Now—on your way. Tell his disciples and Peter that he is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You’ll see him there, exactly as he said.”

Mark 16:6-7 (MSG)

Biblical Truth:

Do not dwell on sorrowful times or things of the past, but rejoice and believe in what is ahead. Remember that Christ goes before us to prepare a way.


Day 389 of 365


Heavenly Father,
I thank You Lord for this new day and for all that will be in it. I praise You Lord for Your Word that speaks truth, hope, life, and love into my life. Lord as we start this day and I reflect on the power of forgiveness and our divine encounter as I drove to get my taxes done and even before I got there, You had transformed my mind, my heart, and my life by removing and cleansing me of the bitterness, the anger, and the imageI was holding onto rather than giving it all into Your hands as I did in that car ride. Lord, even the spell check realizes we are to forgive since imageisn’t a word and displays on my screen like
image. Help others today Lord who are struggling with depression, anger, bitterness, distrust, and many other issues that are being caused by holding onto things You want us to let go of like I had to learn after months of pain and sadness to let go of image. Lord, may You be glorified today and may Your Word resonate around the World to help so many find the peace, the hope, the joy, and the love that comes from a living relationship with You. FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY! And Lord may every thought, word, and action I do today bring You all the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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