As week 2 draws to a close and there has been movement, just not what I was expecting, it was clear, and God did close a door which I guess speaks about that opportunity. At the same time, a new door became available and so the knocking begins to see if it will open or not. More referrers are at work and in play too which helped bring clarity and insight into the process too.

Anchoring Trust in God’s Sovereignty

In the midst of waiting for responses or roles to unfold, it’s vital to anchor our trust in God’s sovereignty and wisdom. As Psalm 27:14 reminds us,

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" 

Deepening Reliance on Divine Guidance

While the uncertainty of waiting may test our patience, we can find assurance in knowing that God’s plans are perfect and His timing is impeccable. This season of waiting serves as an opportunity to deepen our reliance on His guidance and provision, as Proverbs 3:5-6 advises,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." 

By entrusting our desires and aspirations to Him, we cultivate a spirit of surrender and expectancy, knowing that He is orchestrating every detail for our ultimate good.

Steadfast Faith in God’s Timing

Furthermore, trusting in God’s timing to pave the way for the right opportunity requires steadfast faith and patience. Even when doors seem to remain closed or paths uncertain, we can find comfort in Isaiah 40:31,

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." 

Perseverance in Prayer and Trust

God’s timing is purposeful, aligning our steps with His divine plan. Instead of succumbing to doubt or anxiety, we are called to persevere in prayer and trust, knowing that He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). As we surrender our timelines to Him, we position ourselves to receive His best and to walk in the fulfillment of His promises.

Resting in God’s Faithfulness

In conclusion, as one week closes and another begins, let us anchor our hearts in the unwavering truth of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty. Though the journey may be marked by waiting and uncertainty, we can rest assured that God is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating every detail according to His perfect plan. Therefore, let us trust in Him wholeheartedly, knowing that He will guide us, provide for us, and lead us to the opportunities He has prepared for us in His perfect timing. As we lean into His promises and remain steadfast in prayer, may we find hope and encouragement in the knowledge that our God is faithful to make a way where there seems to be no way.

One Year Bible Plan

Today’s Reading:

My Notes:

Don’t be limited by my notes, use the links above to hear from God and what He has to say to you by reading or listening to today’s reading. God’s Word is active and alive, never returning void, and ready to teach us right where we are at. No matter what you are facing or going through today, turn to God’s Word because it is not just a collection of texts, but a dynamic and living entity. It has the ability to penetrate the deepest parts of our being, discerning our thoughts, intentions, and the very essence of our soul and spirit. It is depicted as being sharper than a double-edged sword, able to separate and discern things that seem inseparable to human understanding, such as the soul and spirit, or joints and marrow. This metaphor underlines the precision and depth of God’s Word in understanding and judging human nature.

Deuteronomy 16

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness in Waiting

Deuteronomy 16 speaks to the importance of observing the appointed times and feasts as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and provision. In verse 15, it emphasizes rejoicing before the Lord in these times, acknowledging His sovereignty and blessings. This chapter reminds us that as we wait for God’s timing to unfold, we can find joy and gratitude in celebrating His faithfulness in our lives. Just as the Israelites were instructed to remember God’s deliverance through the feasts, we too can reflect on His past faithfulness while trusting Him for the future.

Key takeaway:

Celebrating God’s faithfulness in the midst of waiting strengthens our trust in His timing and provision.


Take time to reflect on and celebrate God’s past faithfulness in your life through prayer, worship, and thanksgiving.

  • The Passover
  • The Festival of Weeks
  • The Festival of Tabernacles
    • ‘For seven days celebrate the festival to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete. ‘
      — Deuteronomy 16:15
  • Judges
  • Worshiping Other Gods

Deuteronomy 17

Seeking God’s Wisdom in Decision-Making

In Deuteronomy 17, God establishes principles for appointing judges and making decisions in the community. Verse 11 highlights the importance of following God’s instructions without turning aside to the right or left. This chapter emphasizes the need for righteous judgment and obedience to God’s commands, even in times of waiting and uncertainty. Just as the Israelites were instructed to appoint judges who would administer justice according to God’s laws, we are called to trust in God’s wisdom and righteousness as we wait for His timing to unfold.

Key takeaway:

Trusting in God’s wisdom and righteousness guides us through times of waiting and uncertainty.


Seek God’s wisdom and guidance through prayer and meditation on His Word as you navigate decisions and waiting periods.

  • Law Courts
    • ‘Act according to whatever they teach you and the decisions they give you. Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left. ‘
      — Deuteronomy 17:11
  • The King

Deuteronomy 18

Trusting in God’s Chosen Messengers

Deuteronomy 18 addresses the appointment of priests and the role of prophets in communicating God’s messages to the people. Verse 13 emphasizes the importance of being blameless before the Lord, trusting in Him wholeheartedly, and following His commands. This chapter underscores the significance of seeking God’s guidance through His appointed servants and remaining faithful to His instructions. As we wait for God’s timing to unfold, we are called to trust in His chosen messengers and remain obedient to His commands.

Key takeaway:

Trusting in God’s chosen messengers and obeying His commands sustains us during seasons of waiting.


Seek guidance and counsel from trusted spiritual leaders and mentors while remaining obedient to God’s Word and His leading.

  • Offerings for Priests and Levites
  • Occult Practices
    • ‘You must be blameless before the Lord your God. ‘
      — Deuteronomy 18:13
  • The Prophet

Anchoring Trust in God’s Sovereignty and Timing

In each of these chapters, we see a recurring theme of trust in God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and timing. Just as the Israelites were instructed to trust in God’s provision, guidance, and appointed leaders, we too are called to anchor our trust in God as we wait for His timing to make a way for us.

Key takeaway:

Trusting in God and His timing brings clarity, guidance, and peace in the midst of waiting.


Surrender your desires and uncertainties to God, trusting in His sovereignty and wisdom to lead you according to His perfect plan.

Today is a day that thanks to Jesus is filled with inspiration. So let us make sure we receive the gift of grace through Jesus by faith in Him and step up and out to accomplish all the good works He has prepared in advance for us to accomplish. If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, why not choose today to be the day your life is transformed and you become a new creation and start the journey of becoming everything God created, purposed, and planned for you to be?

Let’s pray:

Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and need your forgiveness; I believe that Jesus Christ died in my place paying the penalty for my sins. I am willing right now to turn from my sin and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord. I commit myself to you and ask you to send the Holy Spirit into my life, to fill me and take control, and to help me become the kind of person you want me to be. Thank you Father for loving me. In Jesus' name. Amen

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