Preparation and Meditation: So you are ready for what is coming.

Now we are in the middle of the end of the week and if we want to finish the week strong, we need to be prepared. One of the best ways to get ready and be prepared for the day ahead is to meditate on the Word of God and see what it has to … Continue reading Preparation and Meditation: So you are ready for what is coming.

Better to give… What have you given up that has worked out for the best?

Ever heard it is better to give than receive? Might there be something to giving something up that could actually benefit you? Could it be that when you give up or give away something that it does something powerful in you? What if giving is an act that causes or is a catalyst for something … Continue reading Better to give… What have you given up that has worked out for the best?

Checkpoints: The Key to Successful Project Management

As I wake up this morning realizing it's already Thursday and how quickly this week has gone, it's time for a checkpoint. It's time to check in and review all that has gotten done, what's in progress, and what's next. It's time to understand if anything didn't get done according to the project that we … Continue reading Checkpoints: The Key to Successful Project Management

God Speaks: Are you making time and space to listen?

God hasn't stopped speaking. He speaks through His Word, are you making time and space to read it? God is speaking through times of worship, are you making time and space to lift Him up? He speaks through dreams and visions but are you in a place where you can understand it and do something with it?

THRIVE: Let’s make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed!

As we kick off a week that will be a catalyst for change, the thoughts going through my mind are that we need to make sure things are ready and set by ensuring through precision and meticulousness that everything is set up for success and there are no unanswered questions. I need to make sure … Continue reading THRIVE: Let’s make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed!

THRIVE: Capture the details, share the details, and plan with the details!

Wanting to thrive? Are you capturing the details? Are you sharing the findings? Are you making a plan? Do you know what you know? Do you have questions about what you don't know or don't understand? Are you sharing your findings? Are you sharing your questions? Are you making a plan based on what you … Continue reading THRIVE: Capture the details, share the details, and plan with the details!

THRIVE: You’ve stepped out onto the water. You’re focused on Jesus. Now what?

God isn't the god of confusion but of peace. God is detail-oriented (consider the plans for the tabernacle and the temple). God is the provider. God is the redeemer. God is the savior. God is good and His plans for us are for good and not for evil. You have made the decision. You have … Continue reading THRIVE: You’ve stepped out onto the water. You’re focused on Jesus. Now what?