As the week begins let’s start it off on the right foot. Let’s fill ourselves up with the Holy Spirit by spending time in God’s Word. Let’s remove any barriers by dealing with any issues or concerns up front. Let’s not allow bitterness nor anger nor frustration be our drivers or motivation as we start this new week.

Even today as life takes it toll on our physical being, we can take hold of the reality provided through our relationship and faith in Jesus that our spirit is being renewed every day. Even when the trials and the struggles of life try attack our bodies, takes hear because Jesus has over come the world and don’t lose home because through Jesus has already won the victory. So today let’s live our faith and our lives with renewal as the key: renewal of our lives, renewal of our faith, renewal of our hearts, renewal of our strength, renewal of our lives, and the renewal of our minds.

Do not become spiritless! Do not become exhausted! Do not become wearied out! Do not become discouraged! Rebuke the lies of the devil and don’t allow fear to win. Faith is the antidote for fear! Remember God is preparing in advance the good works He has for us to do, so don’t grow weary in doing good for in the right time you will receive the harvest.

2020 Hindsight – Clarity of vision

The 49 week challenge – Day 181

Want to join me in the challenge? Click Day 181 link to join me and sign up.

With May in the rear view mirror, let’s share our takeaways from today’s reading! Did you catch and promises to trust? Did you catch any commands to obey? Did you catch any truths to embrace? Did you catch any warnings to heed? Did you catch any encouragement to rest in? What did you learn about God? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about the world? What verse stood out most to you today?

If you are interested in getting together or sharing the information together, please let me know through the comment section below, through email, or even through text messages.

Today’s reading from God’s Word – the Bible comes to us from:

My Notes:

  • Don’t live or stand for sexual immorality
  • Do not be boastful
  • We need to remove the bad
  • We need to live so that even as the body breaks down the spirit will strengthen and be saved
  • Lets live our lives in a way that is good and glorifying to God
  • Beware those with deceitful hearts
  • Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
  • Trust God
  • Stand up for good
  • Stand against what is evil
  • Beware evil motives
  • Ask God for wisdom so that you aren’t fooled or mislead
  • Seek discernment of God so that you will understand the truth and reality of the very situation you are in

As day 181 of 2020 begins, I would hate to miss giving the opportunity to anyone who hasn’t received Jesus into their lives as their Lord and Savior an opportunity to make the decision this early into 2020 and the blessing to get to live out the rest of 2020 in that power and that truth and that hope.

If you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, why not join me in this prayer?

Did you pray with me? Would you be willing to leave me a comment so that I can pray with and for you about such an incredible decision? Or if you don’t feel comfortable leaving a comment on my blog, why not email or text me instead?

Today’s devotional that I am following is The 49-Week Challenge comes from Life.Church. For more information, please visit — Thank you Life.Church for sharing this reading plan through

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