New Beginnings: Here we go again, into a new work week…

As the weekend is in the rearview mirror, a new beginning is ahead of each of us. The list already exists and now we need to step into working as unto the Lord to get the right things done on time. Yesterday was a day to celebrate my youngest’s birthday which was fun to get to hang out with him and his friends skating and dinner at home, after lunch together and an incredible message at church from Daniel 4. The topics for the weekend were interesting too and how they aligned to how each day went. On Saturday, it started with priorities and how to spend my time and the list I knew about was different from the list I learned about which was higher value and aligned with priorities of God, Wife, Kids, and then everything else. On Sunday, it continued on the subject of tasks and priorities and even though the list from Saturday (the known one) existed, the higher value list that existed aligned to God’s priorities for my life of God, Wife, Kids, and then everything else too investing in time with my son for his birthday.

So, I woke up thinking about the list again and heading into the work week, it will be top of mind to get going. Even so, here I am leaning into God and taking the time to hear from Him first because He is the top priority and His Word promises that if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will help take care of the rest. And yet my pulse kept racing and my mind did too, so I got up even earlier than usual. Making sure we make the most important decisions and respond to the dreams and direction in a timely manner rather than putting them off and having to deal with the consequences as we saw king Nebuchadnezzar have to deal with in Daniel 4, even after God gave him another 12 months after the near 30 years to get his heart right. God’s not out to get us but rather as we read in 2 Peter 3:9 desires that we all turn back to Him. We also learned how God humbles the proud but gives grace to the humble. Let’s walk in humility so we don’t need to get humbled and walk in the grace that God is offering us today. We see how God’s grace was revealed when king Nebuchadnezzar was humbled.

As we begin today, knowing new beginnings are on the doorstep, let’s lean into God and His Word and His promises and step forward knowing that we may make plans, but He directs our steps and the path.

One Year Bible Plan

Today’s Reading from God’s Word:

My Notes:

God will speak to each of us today through His Word, these notes are to help me be able to capture and remember what He shares with me. Use the links above to read or have it read to you so that you can also receive from God’s Word and capture your own direction, wisdom, and discernment through God’s Word.

Acts 12

Don’t try to go it alone, let’s share what we are going through and ask others to be praying with and for us. Be sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit and follow his instructions. God’s plan is for good and not for evil. He can use what the devil plans for evil and turn it around and use it for good. Don’t stop knocking! Share what God has done in your life. Let’s be giving God the praise He is due. To have a legacy, we need to be doing what we do for the glory of God otherwise it’s a biography rather than a testimony. Let’s be leaving a legacy of testimony where God gets the glory rather than just having a biography and a story of what we’ve done. Let’s share the stories of what has enabled us to do for His glory! Biographies come and go but testimonies like those we read about in the Bible (like Daniel’s) will live on forever to glorify God!

  • Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison
  • Herod’s Death
  • Barnabas and Saul Sent Off

Acts 13

Let’s fast and pray in order to receive wisdom and direction for our lives from God! Then let us go and do what He has called us to do. Lean in and trust Him to help us become what God has planned for us. Be ready in and out of season to give a reason for the hope you have within you and glorify God through your testimony. Let’s lean in and become people after God’s heart! God’s Word never returns void. Jesus fulfilled the law through His life, not coming to overturn the law but fulfilling it so that we can be saved. Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world but rather though Him we can be saved through a personal relationship with Jesus and receiving Him as our Lord and Savior. As we begin this week, let’s be filled with the Holy Spirit and ask God to fill our hearts and minds with His love and hope to full that His true love will overtake any worry or fear and His Spirit will provide us with a peace that surpasses all understanding.

  • Barnabas and Saul Sent Off
  • On Cyprus
  • In Pisidian Antioch
    • 40Take care that what the prophets have said does not happen to you:
    • 41“ ‘Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.’”
    • 46Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
    • “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”
    • 48When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

Acts 14

Don’t lose hope or give up doing what is right just because people refuse to believe or try to stir up trouble. Be aware of the people around you and be sensitive to the Spirit so that we can see faith in others and invite them into what God has for them. Let’s be testifying to the greatness of God. Yes, we may be knocked down, but we need to get back up and go where God calls us to go and do what He asks us to do.

  • In Iconium
  • In Lystra and Derbe
  • The Return to Antioch in Syria

“The kings of the earth do their works in pride, relying on their power and might; but Christ’s works were done in humility. He had neither army nor weapons. He was not surrounded by a bodyguard or protected by armor. He came forth with a few lowly fishermen, preaching and teaching. This is true humility.”

paraphrase of Martin Luther from ChatGPT

Let’s be and get ready right here and right now! Invite Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your comforter and guide in the midst of this crazy world, listening to His wisdom and discernment to help you live a full and complete life. Be ready! Get prepared! Time is short!

Did you read or hear something today that felt like a new revelation? Would you be willing to leave a comment or question? Are you walking your life with God? Have you made the decision to invite Jesus into your life so that you can have the divide covered? Have you invited Jesus to be Your Lord and Savior, paying the ultimate price to cover the original sin for we have all missed the mark, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and we all need Jesus, our Lord and Savior to help us be forgiven and reconciled back to God! Could today be your day?

Let’s pray:

Prayer of Salvation

"Oh Father God, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus died on the cross for my sake and has risen from the dead. Lord, I receive your Word, and I repent of my sins. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus' name. Amen."


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