W10D6: Focus and Purpose – It’s what it will take to get there strong.

As I wake up today and consider what is ahead of me, I realize that through these weeks there have been many things taking place outside of my control and my focus on finding my next job. I am glad I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time researching, reviewing, praying over, and applying for jobs and yet none of them have come through yet. I am glad that God has reminded me from past experiences it may be that the job doesn’t exist yet or hadn’t existed yet. The BeTheDads.com part of me hasn’t been getting the focus with daily posts I used to be giving it and need to be getting back to and yet there have been many dads that I have gotten to connect with and support through this time.

As I begin today, I realize that I need to focus on God’s calling and purpose for my life. In the midst of looking for my next role as part of that calling to “get out and go back”, it’s important to keep my focus and purpose on God’s plan for each moment of each day. How can I use my time in a way that will be pleasing and glorifying to Him while at the same be serving my wife, kids, and world? It requires that I keep my focus on God’s Word. It requires that I remember the calling to the purpose of “Be The Dad“. It requires praying about and defining my career and contemplating what’s next for when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, He gives us the desires of our heart, and so we need to understand what that really is.

Today marks the beginning of a spiritually enriching journey as I delve into God’s Word. This will be followed by a meaningful encounter with a brother, a friend, and a fellow father. Before I serve at church, it’s crucial to take a moment to pause. In this stillness, I will listen and hear from God. This divine guidance is essential for me to act with the right intentions and purpose. My ultimate aim is to glorify God through every action I take.

Divine Focus and Purpose

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." 
-- Proverbs 3:5-6

This scripture underscores the importance of trust and submission to God’s will. By relying on God’s understanding rather than our own, we align our actions with His divine plan. In your job search and your daily life, seek God’s guidance through prayer and reading His Word. Commit your plans to Him and trust that He will guide your steps. When making decisions, pause to pray and ask for God’s wisdom, trusting that He will lead you in the right direction.

Seeking God’s Kingdom

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." 
-- Matthew 6:33

Prioritizing God’s kingdom means focusing on His righteousness and His plans above all else. When we do this, God promises to provide for our needs. In your quest for a new job, focus on living righteously and aligning your priorities with God’s kingdom. This might involve dedicating time to ministry, supporting others, or spending quality time with your family. Trust that as you put God first, He will take care of your material needs.

Perseverance in Purpose

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 
-- James 1:2-4

Trials and challenges are opportunities for growth. They test our faith and develop perseverance, leading to spiritual maturity. View your current job search as a period of growth. Embrace the challenges and allow them to strengthen your faith and perseverance. Use this time to develop new skills, deepen your relationship with God, and support others in their journeys.

Embracing God’s Plan

In your journey of seeking a new job and fulfilling God’s calling in your life, it is vital to maintain focus and purpose aligned with God’s Word. Trust in the Lord, prioritize His kingdom, and persevere through trials with joy and faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages you to trust and submit to God, ensuring He will guide your paths. Matthew 6:33 reminds you to seek God’s kingdom first, with the assurance that He will provide for your needs. James 1:2-4 highlights the importance of perseverance through trials, leading to spiritual maturity.

As you continue to pursue a new job, remember that God is with you every step of the way. Lean on Him for strength, guidance, and provision. Your dedication to God’s purpose and your willingness to trust in His plan will ultimately lead you to the right opportunity, one that not only meets your needs but also glorifies Him. Stay encouraged, knowing that God is faithful and has a perfect plan for your life.

One Year Bible Plan https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/42519-one-year-bible-plan

Today’s Reading:

My Notes:

God’s Word is active and alive and so we need to make time to be in it daily. God’s Word never returns void and so we need to meditate on it and take time to listen and understand what God is saying to us. Don’t limit yourself to my notes but rather use the links above to hear what God has to say to you. Don’t lose hope! Remember that God’s Word is sharper than a double-edged sword and as such is able to cut to the core of every situation and circumstance, we find ourselves in and help us to know what to do because God’s Word is good for teaching, rebuking, correction, and training to ensure we are thoroughly equipped.

2 Kings 7

Provision and Deliverance in Unlikely Ways
"Elisha replied, 'Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.'"
-- 2 Kings 7:1

God’s provision can come in the most unexpected ways and times. Despite the dire circumstances, God’s word through Elisha promised a sudden and miraculous turnaround. In your job search, trust that God can provide in ways you cannot foresee. Continue to pray and seek His guidance, knowing that He can open doors and create opportunities where none seem to exist. Remain faithful and open to God’s leading, believing that His timing and methods are perfect. Even when prospects seem bleak, hold on to the promise that God is able to deliver and provide abundantly.

Recognizing God’s Hand in Adversity
"Then they said to each other, 'What we’re doing is not right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. Let’s go at once and report this to the royal palace.'"
-- 2 Kings 7:9

When God provides blessings, it is our responsibility to share the good news and help others. The lepers who found the abandoned camp of the Arameans understood the importance of not keeping God’s blessings to themselves. As you experience God’s provision and guidance, be eager to share His goodness with others. In your search for a job, support and encourage fellow job seekers. Share tips, resources, and your faith in God’s provision. By uplifting others, you not only fulfill God’s command to love your neighbor but also build a community of support and encouragement.

  • Elisha Promises Food
  • Four Lepers Relate Arameans’ Flight
  • The Promise Fulfilled

2 Kings 8

God’s Faithfulness Through Trials
"The king asked the woman about it, and she told him. Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, 'Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.'"
-- 2 Kings 8:6

God’s faithfulness often restores and redeems what has been lost. The Shunammite woman, after years of absence due to famine, was restored to her land and all its produce by the king’s decree. Trust that God can restore what you may feel has been lost during your period of unemployment. Use this time to build new skills and strengthen your faith, believing that God is capable of bringing restoration and blessings in His perfect time. Remain patient and hopeful, knowing that God is aware of your situation and has a plan for your full restoration and blessing.

  • The Shunammite’s Land Restored
  • Hazael Murders Ben-Hadad
  • Jehoram King of Judah
  • Ahaziah King of Judah

Trusting God’s Provision and Timing

Walking in Faith and Purpose

As you navigate the journey of job searching and fulfilling God’s calling, it is essential to remain focused on His provision and timing. 2 Kings 7-8 illustrates how God can provide and deliver in miraculous ways, often beyond our expectations. Elisha’s prophecy in 2 Kings 7:1 shows God’s ability to bring sudden provision, encouraging us to trust Him even in dire circumstances. The actions of the lepers in 2 Kings 7:9 remind us to share God’s blessings and support others, reinforcing the importance of community and mutual encouragement. The restoration of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 8:6 underscores God’s faithfulness and His power to redeem what has been lost.

Combining the wisdom from Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 6:33, and James 1:2-4 with the lessons from 2 Kings 7-8, we see a comprehensive picture of God’s faithfulness, provision, and timing. Trust in the Lord, seek His kingdom first, and persevere through trials with faith and joy. As you continue to seek your next job, remember that God is with you, guiding your steps and preparing the way. Remain hopeful and encouraged, knowing that God's perfect plan will unfold in your life, leading you to the right opportunities that will not only meet your needs but also glorify Him.

Combining the wisdom from Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 6:33, and James 1:2-4 with the lessons from 2 Kings 7-8, we see a comprehensive picture of God’s faithfulness, provision, and timing. Trust in the Lord, seek His kingdom first, and persevere through trials with faith and joy. As you continue to seek your next job, remember that God is with you, guiding your steps and preparing the way. Remain hopeful and encouraged, knowing that God’s perfect plan will unfold in your life, leading you to the right opportunities that will not only meet your needs but also glorify Him.

Today is a day that thanks to Jesus is filled with inspiration. So let us make sure we receive the gift of grace through Jesus by faith in Him and step up and out to accomplish all the good works He has prepared in advance for us to accomplish. If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, why not choose today to be the day your life is transformed and you become a new creation and start the journey of becoming everything God created, purposed, and planned for you to be?

Let’s pray:

Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and need your forgiveness; I believe that Jesus Christ died in my place paying the penalty for my sins. I am willing right now to turn from my sin and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord. I commit myself to you and ask you to send the Holy Spirit into my life, to fill me and take control, and to help me become the kind of person you want me to be. Thank you Father for loving me. In Jesus' name. Amen


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