Category: Obey

  • W10D4: Ever wondered what’s it all about when you discovered it’s not all about you?

    W10D4: Ever wondered what’s it all about when you discovered it’s not all about you?

    We are called and created to serve right? Well, if that’s the case that means it’s not all about us. So, if “it’s not about me” then have you discovered what it is about? Have you discovered that we are to serve? The upside-down pyramid is where leadership is at the bottom and serves everyone…

  • W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    Helped a great friend pack up his moving truck yesterday as he prepares to move away. Wrapped up a week with one more application going in before the weekend and now have five applications active. Not sure which one God has been preparing yet. Not sure of the exact timing yet either. Just know that…

  • Monday – Not starting as expected and yet it’s ok cause God got my back.

    Monday – Not starting as expected and yet it’s ok cause God got my back.

    As I prepare for today, I look to God who gave me the command to get out and go back. As of Friday, step one is complete and now the journey into the promised land I am to go back to. God knows whose there and He is greater than anything that could get in…

  • Trusting God today as I step out and take a leap of faith.

    Trusting God today as I step out and take a leap of faith.

    As this part of my journey is coming to an end, I am excited to see where God takes me and how He will use me next. Trusting Him enough to be obedient to the calling from Genesis 31 to “get out and go back”, step one is to take the leap of faith and…

  • Entering Launch Zone: Up, Up, and Away

    Entering Launch Zone: Up, Up, and Away

    As I lean into God and head into today, Wednesday, Humpday, it will set the trajectory for what is yet to come by God’s grace, mercy, promises, and plans up, up and away. Getting for today feels like entering launch zone when the astronauts are preparing to get in and buckle up for the incredible…

  • Be Ready it says. How do we prepare?

    Be Ready it says. How do we prepare?

    Remember how we are supposed to be ready in and out of season to give a reason for the hope that is within us? To be ready, we need to prepare. Remember how faith looks like preparation? So, as we step into this new day and look towards the new season ahead, what can we…

  • When going back is what’s next…

    When going back is what’s next…

    As today begins and the path forward looks like going back, it’s important to be leaning in and trusting God to help in the journey. When God calls us to it, He will get us through it. So today as we begin the journey back, we seek God’s wisdom and discernment to make sure we…

  • Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    What have you had to go through to get to this point? Ever considered the different things that are connected to the number 40? As the number 40 jumped out at me today, I wanted to investigate if there are any connections or significance to the number. Doing a bit of research, I found a…

  • Don’t Stop: What’s your list to never stop doing?

    Don’t Stop: What’s your list to never stop doing?

    Don’t stop whatting? Yesterday we were thankful and spent time giving thanks. When you reflect on life, what is it that you think you won’t ever stop doing? If you were to give someone advice, what would you stay “Don’t Stop _____”? Do you have a must have or must do list of things that…

  • It’s best to go it God’s Way!

    It’s best to go it God’s Way!

    Ever had God prompt you to do something? Ever obeyed immediately? Ever resisted because you felt unqualified? Ever asked clarifying questions? Do you remember how it played out? God is gracious and patience. Consider the story of Gideon and his response and how God not only confirmed the calling through the fleece experiments but also…

  • Check in your spirit about something, obedient response is key!

    Check in your spirit about something, obedient response is key!

    Your sitting then and you feel the Holy Spirit warning you of risks. You ponder the risks and potential implications and impact. How will you respond? What if it was your car and the warning lights lit up like a Christmas tree? Would you ponder the risks and potential implications and impact? How would you…

  • Water. What comes to mind when you think about it?

    Water. What comes to mind when you think about it?

    Is it something silly like, is water wet? Is it a vision of a tropical destination with a beach or a pool? Is it stories of miracles (Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, Joshua and the parting of the Jordan, Noah and the great flood, Jonah and the whale, Jesus walking on water,…

  • THRIVE: Ask God! Listen to God! Obey God!

    THRIVE: Ask God! Listen to God! Obey God!

    As I begin this morning from a different time and location from usual, I realize how important it is to lean in and ask God when faced with a situation! I experienced the benefits of listening and obeying what God said! Got spoke to me about living without regrets and so I bought the tickets…

  • THRIVE: Walk in the blessings of the Lord!

    THRIVE: Walk in the blessings of the Lord!

    Let’s get started by looking up in God’s Word what He has to say about this. Let’s look at the benefits of living in obedience to God that we find in Deuteronomy: ‘“Now it shall be, if you diligently listen to and obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all…

  • THRIVE: To make it so means you have to choose!

    THRIVE: To make it so means you have to choose!

    So the week is coming to a close and we get to choose how we will do it. For some, they may consider coasting across the finish line. For others, they may consider finishing strong. Some may think they don’t have to choose but will let whatever happens. To thrive for the glory of God,…

  • THRIVE: Take what you know and put it into action!

    THRIVE: Take what you know and put it into action!

    Still, feeling new and so much more to know? Consider what you do know and put it into action! Consider how you can put into action what you know and how it can help! Consider areas where you can add value and produce results! Consider what information you have that would be or could be…

  • THRIVE: Be prepared and ready to learn…

    THRIVE: Be prepared and ready to learn…

    What an incredible first day yesterday was. What incredible people I had the opportunity to meet with and hear from. What energy, excitement, passion, and promise I could feel joining the team. I am ready to learn. I am prepared to do my part. I am excited to see what God has in store for…

  • THRIVE: Let’s get this week started on the right foot.

    THRIVE: Let’s get this week started on the right foot.

    What an incredible weekend that concluded with a worship night. What an incredible weekend that included the importance of getting and being in the presence of God in order to thrive. What an incredible weekend that spoke to both the tabernacle of the old testament and the foreshadowing it had on the new testament. What…

  • THRIVE: Workweek is over and still decisions to be made…

    THRIVE: Workweek is over and still decisions to be made…

    Let us take hold of the reality of what we have learned through the book of Exodus when it comes to THRIVING and allow God’s Word to help us as we look ahead and into the future of this life. We learned about risk-taking, getting out of the boat, and allowing God to do new…

  • How do you know?

    How do you know?

    I am not asking for your thoughts. I am not asking about your opinions. I am looking to find out how you know. What have you been able to observe, inquire about, or gather information so that you know? How have you developed a relationship so that you know? Do you know it or do…