Category: Don’t Fear

  • Monday – Not starting as expected and yet it’s ok cause God got my back.

    Monday – Not starting as expected and yet it’s ok cause God got my back.

    As I prepare for today, I look to God who gave me the command to get out and go back. As of Friday, step one is complete and now the journey into the promised land I am to go back to. God knows whose there and He is greater than anything that could get in…

  • INSPIRE: What an incredible evening, faith looks like something!

    INSPIRE: What an incredible evening, faith looks like something!

    Last night I went to the Wednesday night service for Inspire and got to hear a powerful message from Banning Liebscher. He shared scripture with us from Haggai and then into 2 Kings to emphasize how faith looks like something. Faith requires work that looks like something ‘on the twenty-first day of the seventh month,…

  • Perseverance: Trusting God and going after the dream.

    Perseverance: Trusting God and going after the dream.

    After what felt like a rough week, I went with my son to a Men’s Breakfast and got to hear Rick Rizz and Matt Boyd share about challenges, not giving up but leaning into God, and going after their dreams through perseverance, even when they couldn’t see it yet. It was great to hear about…

  • Get up, get ready, and rise to the occasion!

    Get up, get ready, and rise to the occasion!

    Here we are again, the day many call Humpday. Don’t dread it, don’t fear it, choose to just get up, get ready for it and then choose to rise to the occasion. Sure, there is lots to do, a pile of to-dos and yet it’s time to launch forward by rising to the occasion and…

  • The meaning of the butterflies in your stomach?

    The meaning of the butterflies in your stomach?

    It’s Monday morning and it’s time to get the workweek started. You wake up and feel that butterfly feeling in your stomach and what comes to mind? Are you someone who tends to have positive or negative perspective? Is it caused by a mental or physical response to what’s going on? Ever looked up what…

  • Butterflies in your gut? Is it excitement or worry?

    Butterflies in your gut? Is it excitement or worry?

    You know what I’m talking about that feeling in your stomach when you get excited about something. That feeling in your stomach when you are nervous about something. So when you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, which is it? Do you decide? Do you assume the worst? Do you figure it’s just…

  • THRIVE: Faith over Fear! Fear not, Just believe!

    THRIVE: Faith over Fear! Fear not, Just believe!

    The enemy is trying to paralyze us from accomplishing God’s purpose, plan, and will in our lives by causing fear! We need to keep our focus on God rather than the obstacles the enemy brings before us to cause anxiety because our God is bigger! We need to focus on Jesus rather than the wind…

  • THRIVE: Fear no evil because you know God is with you!

    THRIVE: Fear no evil because you know God is with you!

    On this day before US Thanksgiving, there are so many things I am thankful for. Still, most of all, God felt it necessary and vital to have me move so that I may come to the realization and then live in a relationship with Him! I am thankful that I am no longer living knowing…

  • THRIVE: Don’t give up! Finish Strong!

    THRIVE: Don’t give up! Finish Strong!

    As we’ve passed the halfway point of the week, it’s time to press in and press on, not giving up so we can cross the finish line strong. Whether you consider Wednesday a hump you need to get over to head for the weekend or a launch pad to help you get there finishing strong,…

  • THRIVE: Fear Not, Just Believe!

    THRIVE: Fear Not, Just Believe!

    Every day the enemy of our soul will try to cause us fear. Every day the enemy of our soul is wandering around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. And every day we need to decide will it be faith over fear or fear over faith? We have free will to choose…

  • THRIVE: Fear Not, Just Believe!

    THRIVE: Fear Not, Just Believe!

    This morning the thought that came to mind as the work week begins after a long weekend celebrating 246 years of the USA is “Fear Not, Just Believe!” The verse that has been with me all these years I have been blogging. The verse that has been speaking to me through the highs and the…

  • THRIVE: Even with everything that’s taken place, until it is over there is still more to do.

    THRIVE: Even with everything that’s taken place, until it is over there is still more to do.

    If you are reading this then you are here and as such you have things to do and get done. This is the day that the Lord has made and so let’s rejoice and be glad in it! God has prepared in advance good works for us to accomplish today and it is up to…

  • THRIVE: Let’s use that bump in front of us be a launch ramp.

    THRIVE: Let’s use that bump in front of us be a launch ramp.

    Some call today the bump in the week or humpday but whatever you call it, we are halfway through the week and so let’s choose to use this bump as a launch ramp for the various things on our plate so that we can thrive! Let’s take the good works God has prepared in advance…

  • THRIVE: What will make it click and take off?

    THRIVE: What will make it click and take off?

    So you get to listen and try to absorb. You get to participate and ask questions. You get to see people in action. Now it is time to go deeper from knowledge to understanding so that this understanding comes will be the triggering mechanism to help things rocket off, finding the power to propel us…

  • THRIVE: He is Risen! He is risen indeed!

    THRIVE: He is Risen! He is risen indeed!

    What an incredibly powerful day it is. Resurrection Sunday, the day that Jesus conquered the power of sin and death when He rose from the dead! Jesus wasn’t in the tomb when they came looking for Him! I still remember the Easter I was able to play both a disciple for Good Friday and the…

  • THRIVE: When you don’t know what to do, do what you know to do.

    THRIVE: When you don’t know what to do, do what you know to do.

    When things don’t seem clear and you aren’t sure what to do, do what you know to do. God has given you directions so do that. God has given you wisdom so do that. God has given you hope so do that. God has a plan so do that. God has a purpose so do…

  • THRIVE: God’s timing is perfect!

    THRIVE: God’s timing is perfect!

    As we hit mid-workweek the words God’s timing is perfect came to mind. In the midst of the meetings and the conversations, the waiting and the delays, my hope and my trust are in God because even when I don’t see it He does. God’s never late! God’s rarely early! God’s timing is perfect! As…

  • THRIVE: Workweek is over and still decisions to be made…

    THRIVE: Workweek is over and still decisions to be made…

    Let us take hold of the reality of what we have learned through the book of Exodus when it comes to THRIVING and allow God’s Word to help us as we look ahead and into the future of this life. We learned about risk-taking, getting out of the boat, and allowing God to do new…

  • THRIVE: Do what you know to do when you don’t know what to do. Finish strong!

    THRIVE: Do what you know to do when you don’t know what to do. Finish strong!

    I am so grateful for a loving and caring God. I am so thankful that He knows what I need even before I can ask. I am so thankful that He loves me so much that He gave me His Word. I am so thankful that He loves me so much that He gave His…

  • THRIVE: What to do when you don’t know what to do?

    THRIVE: What to do when you don’t know what to do?

    The short answer is: Do what you know to do. Today, as I enjoy the weekend with my family the workweek, has finished and yet the news/answers didn’t come. So what is going to happen? Don’t know! What will we do? Don’t know! Where will we be? Don’t know! But I do know what my…