Tag: work

  • Let’s get it started with the power we received yesterday.

    Let’s get it started with the power we received yesterday.

    What a powerful day yesterday as we got to celebrate Easter and the resurrection power of Jesus after having conquered the power of sin and death on the cross. Let’s allow that power to strengthen and encourage us today as we step into this new work week. Let’s use it to speak hope and life…

  • Do you know what you are looking for? Make sure you are looking in the right place!

    Do you know what you are looking for? Make sure you are looking in the right place!

    As today begins and I reflect on the opportunity to be an actor for the Easter weekend many years ago, first playing one of the disciples and later the angel at the tomb, it brought up the question of knowing what you are looking for. So WFH 100% isn’t good, so what are you looking…

  • It’s not all about me! Teamwork makes the dream work!

    It’s not all about me! Teamwork makes the dream work!

    Ever faced a day with unexpected challenges? Did someone step in, easing the situation? Reflect on the emotions and thoughts. Amid uncertainties, did doubt arise about yourself or others? By day’s end, were you dwelling in self-pity or grateful for supportive teammates? Contemplate its impact on your mindset as you conclude the day and gear…

  • Teamwork: How to respond when there is more than one place to be

    Teamwork: How to respond when there is more than one place to be

    Imagine waking up Monday morning with 3 major things on the go and all of them happening at the same time. How do you respond to it? Fortunately, when you aren’t the me in team, you can have your teammates support you and divide and conquer. I am blessed with a great boss and set…

  • THRIVE: Do you know how to get properly equipped for every good work and act of charity?

    THRIVE: Do you know how to get properly equipped for every good work and act of charity?

    Remember what the Bible has to say about good works? Remember how James said faith without works is dead? Remember how God said He would ensure abundance so that we can accomplish good works and acts of charity? So as we begin today, let’s remember how every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly…

  • Let’s get it done!

    Let’s get it done!

    It is interesting how as my work week begins that it begins on the theme of getting the work done. As I look forward at this week there is much to do and get done at work, for camp, and at home. As I look forward at this week and consider God’s plans and purposes…

  • The good works have been prepared for you to do…

    The good works have been prepared for you to do…

    With the good works having been prepared in advance for you to do, will you do it? Being God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance as our way of life, will you do it? So the good works are ready for you to do it, will…

  • He’s not done with me yet!

    He’s not done with me yet!

    As I wake up this morning I know that God has more for me as He’s not done with me yet. He has people He wants me to touch with the love of Jesus. He has people He wants me to impact with compassion and care. He has people He wants me to share Jesus’…

  • What can you do today? Do that to the best of your abilities!

    What can you do today? Do that to the best of your abilities!

    A new day with new opportunities. Be it a last doctor’s visit. Be it connecting with the team. Be it mapping out the road ahead. Be it understanding the gifts and talents that are available. Be it understanding the desires and the goals. Be it Mapping the road ahead. It all begins with today and…

  • Favor or Favour – however you spell it, it means a lot.

    Favor or Favour – however you spell it, it means a lot.

    FAVOR or FAVOUR: The word has the following definition The reason for that comes from a conversation I had fairly recently with someone when we were sharing how crazy 2020 has been and I opened up to share how I had felt like I was walking on egg shells because of everything that took place.…

  • It’s not about works!

    It’s not about works!

    Do you think you are going to be ok because of all the good works you are doing? If you check your heart are you doing the good works out of the overflow of love from God out of your heart or are you doing it out of compulsion or obligation? Are you doing good…

  • You have to do your part! Finish Strong!

    You have to do your part! Finish Strong!

    It’s more than just believing! Ever heard the phrase “faith without works is dead”? So we need to do our part! Where are you at today? He got you this far, so what will you do in faith believing that He will help you out to complete the work He has set before you to…

  • There is a reason and a purpose why God asks us to do things a certain way.

    There is a reason and a purpose why God asks us to do things a certain way.

    Ever noticed that God may ask us to do things one way and a similar event happens and tells us to do it differently? He know what we need to do before we get there! He knows what He wants us to learn through it! He knows what it is going to take to accomplish…

  • What will you do with your second chance?

    What will you do with your second chance?

    Ever been in a situation where fear or doubt kept you from completing what God had called you to do?  Ever been in a situation where disobediences to the call caused you to miss out on what had been planned? Don’t give up! Don’t lose hope! How will you receive the second chance? How will…

  • Timing…tick tick tick

    Timing…tick tick tick

    Do you realize the time you are living in? How are you living out the inheritance you have been given? What legacy are you putting into place for the generation to come? Don’t forget how you are to live! Don’t forget the times! Don’t forget the seasons! Don’t forget the things that have already been…

  • How is it supposed to work? Details…

    How is it supposed to work? Details…

    Today’s reading continues into more details. God is giving more details about how the Jews were to live. God knows the beginning from the end! He knows the tiniest of details! He knows our every thought! He knows our every word! He knows the state of our heart! He knows our desires! He knows our intentions!…

  • God is in the details…

    God is in the details…

    Ever heard people say that the devil is in the details? Ever heard people say they are playing the devil’s advocate? It tends to cause a chill down my back when I hear those words since why would anyone want to give him credit or any extra ammunition? Do they realize what advocate means? So…

  • How will you use the gifts and talents you’ve been given?

    How will you use the gifts and talents you’ve been given?

    Will you use them to the full? Will you use them for God? Will you use them to complete the work God has for you? Will you use them to help transform and inspire? Will you use them to point people to God? Will you use them to help? Will you use them to serve?…

  • Do it on purpose for a purpose!

    Do it on purpose for a purpose!

    Why are you doing that? Why are you doing that like that? Why don’t you do it a different way? What will come of doing it that way versus any other way? Is there a reason for doing it that way? Is there a purpose behind it? Did you do it that way on purpose?…

  • Don’t try to carry it all on your own!

    Don’t try to carry it all on your own!

    None of us were created to go it alone! None of us were setup to do it all by ourselves! That’s why we have one another! Are you willing to look out for the good of others? Are you willing to speak up? Are you willing to speak out? That’s why there are people in…