Tag: Wait

  • W9D2: Strategic Thinking, Options vs Temptations.

    W9D2: Strategic Thinking, Options vs Temptations.

    Is a strategy of applying everywhere rather than just where you think you are supposed to go better to test your resume and interview skills? Or would that strategy disqualify you from waiting on God’s timing and creating a Saul moment? How can I use strategic thinking and wisdom from God to choose? Would it…

  • W8D3: Now what? Remember who He is and His name as Jireh.

    W8D3: Now what? Remember who He is and His name as Jireh.

    At midweek, needing to remember how to keep hoping and keep trusting. We’re past the point where my understanding suffices, and we must trust in and acknowledge God instead. On my morning walk with my dogs and God, my Spotify playlist Christian Pop Upbeat Mix, the randomizer closed my walk with the newly added song…

  • W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    Thought I would test bing.com’s AI to get it to summarize the BeTheDads.com site’s view of priorities. It was interesting to capture what it had to say so will share it here: https://sl.bing.net/d5yaCMvYGwS (in case you want to check it out but sharing answer below) As I prepare to go and serve at church today…

  • W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    Helped a great friend pack up his moving truck yesterday as he prepares to move away. Wrapped up a week with one more application going in before the weekend and now have five applications active. Not sure which one God has been preparing yet. Not sure of the exact timing yet either. Just know that…

  • W5D6: Not by my power or my might but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    W5D6: Not by my power or my might but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Heading into the weekend the verse of the day from Acts 1:8 caught my attention as the one that shows up on my phone uses the Amplified version which says: But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me]…

  • W5D5: Finish Strong by preparing harder

    W5D5: Finish Strong by preparing harder

    As another week is drawing to a close, it is still just as important to finish the week strong. Even though nothing has materialized visibly by faith I continue to walk forward trusting God’s perfect plan and timing to open the right door at the right time for His praise and glory. I am trusting…

  • W5D4: Sure I am counting as I am trusting and watching for God’s hand and timing.

    W5D4: Sure I am counting as I am trusting and watching for God’s hand and timing.

    From the prefix to my posts, you can tell when the journey began as well as how long it has been going. Sure, I am counting days but more than that I am counting on God! I am trusting Him rather than my own understanding, acknowledging Him and knowing that He will not only make…

  • W5D3: Overcoming and being an overcomer, is what comes to mind today.

    W5D3: Overcoming and being an overcomer, is what comes to mind today.

    As I get started on this Humpday, this Wednesday, I think of obstacles that can try to get in the way and keep me from attaining what God has prepared and planned for me. When there is an obstacle it requires turning to God to understand the path that will provide the right outcome; over,…

  • W2D7: Trusting in God and His Timing to make a way.

    W2D7: Trusting in God and His Timing to make a way.

    As week 2 draws to a close and there has been movement, just not what I was expecting, it was clear, and God did close a door which I guess speaks about that opportunity. At the same time, a new door became available and so the knocking begins to see if it will open or…

  • W2D3: God’s Timing is Perfect and He will provide, what to do in the middle?

    W2D3: God’s Timing is Perfect and He will provide, what to do in the middle?

    Here we are back on what some call Humpday, the day that is halfway through the week and encourage them to press on to a strong finish. There have been many of these days that have felt more like mountains than speed bumps and yet God has enabled me to get around, over, or through…

  • The In Between: How will you spend your time?

    The In Between: How will you spend your time?

    Imagine a time where God has given you a message and you are choosing to be obedient to pursue it. Imagine the message aligning to Jacob’s message from God in Genesis 31 to get out and go back. Yesterday was the beginning of “get out” being complete. You’ve prepared and you started reaching out to…

  • Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    What have you had to go through to get to this point? Ever considered the different things that are connected to the number 40? As the number 40 jumped out at me today, I wanted to investigate if there are any connections or significance to the number. Doing a bit of research, I found a…

  • Let’s finish the week strong living in the Spirit.

    Let’s finish the week strong living in the Spirit.

    Amazing how quickly time goes and here we are at the end of another work week. We’ve learned how Jesus called His disciples to stay until the Holy Spirit had come upon them. We need to be walking in that same Spirit and power today to finish and accomplish the good works God has prepared…

  • A launch! A mission! Let’s land this thing well!

    A launch! A mission! Let’s land this thing well!

    Well, we decided that Wednesday wasn’t going to a hump but rather a launch! There were many missions accomplished and a few more to go! So, let’s finish the week strong and then land this thing well! When we aren’t sure what to do, let’s give it up to God and ask for wisdom and…

  • What to do while you await docking phase?

    What to do while you await docking phase?

    Sticking with the rocket ship theme, as we get to today and looking to make the most of it, what will you choose to do? Are there things that needed to be monitored? Are there tasks that need to be done as part of the procedure or process? Do you need to physically get active?…

  • THRIVE: It’s GO time!

    THRIVE: It’s GO time!

    Today the adventure begins of getting to provide and serve others. It’s time to go and help the team get ready and be set up! It’s time to go and make sure things are ready and set up for a weekend! It’s time to be rested, prayed up, and lean in on the Holy Spirit…

  • Do you have them? Will you use them?

    Do you have them? Will you use them?

    If you knew there were three keys would you want them? If you knew there were three keys would you get them? If you knew there were three keys would you use them? Do you have them? Are you using them? Do you know how to use them? Do you know how they work? Do…

  • Feeling a bit off track? A bit out of place? Want to get back on track?

    Feeling a bit off track? A bit out of place? Want to get back on track?

    Have you swerved from the path? Have you tried to go it alone? Have you tried to make your own way? Have you tried to make a plan that is out there? Have you found yourself missing the mark? Have you found that you need to make some course correction? Do you know how to…

  • Ever noticed how combining great and attitude tends to create gratitude?

    Ever noticed how combining great and attitude tends to create gratitude?

    Do you realize how important your attitude is to both yourself and the world around you? Do you realize the value it brings into every situation that you will face? Do you realize the positive and negative impacts that come from your attitude? Are you bringing light or darkness into the situation? Are you bringing…

  • What’s harder to say “I’m Sorry” or “I forgive you”?

    What’s harder to say “I’m Sorry” or “I forgive you”?

    Is there anything harder to have to do or say? Do you realize the important and the power and the freedom that comes from what you say? Is it harder to admin you did something wrong than to forgive someone else who did something wrong to you? Is it harder to give forgiveness or receive…