Tag: remember

  • W7D1: Trust and Prepare to remember how good God has been.

    W7D1: Trust and Prepare to remember how good God has been.

    As week 7 starts my trust in God is stronger than ever acknowledging Him and knowing that He is making my path straight in His perfect timing to provide for me and my family. I am trusting Him over my own understanding because He sees the beginning and end and has plans for me that…

  • W4D7: In God’s Perfect Timing, I need a miracle.

    W4D7: In God’s Perfect Timing, I need a miracle.

    This morning the topic that came to mind was the need for a miracle to take place. Week 4 is closing out today and God has provided. The call back in March was from Genesis 31 to get out and go back and yet we are now nearly to the day 2 months from that…

  • W2D5: Ever given it all into God’s hands and see it move?

    W2D5: Ever given it all into God’s hands and see it move?

    Yesterday was a new experience for me. I went to the Tulip festival as a copilot as originally planned, I would have been a drive had more people come. It was amazing to give the day into God’s hands and get to see His handywork painted all over the fields. It was an interesting day…

  • W2D4: Ever considered that it might be time to stop and smell the flowers?

    W2D4: Ever considered that it might be time to stop and smell the flowers?

    As today begins and I consider how in 30 years the transition times have lasted a weekend and then jumped right into the next thing without a pause or moment to stop, reflect, and refresh. This time God has opened the door and it’s been over a week now and the search continues for that…

  • Sometimes people need to hear it again to solidify what happened.

    Sometimes people need to hear it again to solidify what happened.

    For the next generation to realize what they lived through may require some show and tell. Tell them about the challenges and the sacrifices. Tell them about the meaning of the monuments and memorials in our lives. Show them what happened and where it happened. Show them how it has impacted your life and how…

  • THRIVE: Lots going on this week and so let’s finish strong rather than coasting to the end of the week.

    THRIVE: Lots going on this week and so let’s finish strong rather than coasting to the end of the week.

    Remember how we needed to be filled up and remain topped off so that we could overflow into the people around us? Remember how we shouldn’t let our tanks run dry? Remember how we were to press forward to make sure we get over the hump? Remember how in the midst of everything going on…

  • THRIVE: Live for today, remembering the past.

    THRIVE: Live for today, remembering the past.

    On September 11th, 2001 as I was preparing to go to work and watching the morning news, I was captured by the picture on the screen and trying to figure out what was going on as there was a plane stuck in a building. As I was watching, a second plane hit the other building…

  • THRIVE: Just because God just finished doing something incredible, don’t think He’s done with you yet.

    THRIVE: Just because God just finished doing something incredible, don’t think He’s done with you yet.

    Let’s celebrate what God has done. Let’s remember what God has done. Let’s write a document or find a way to capture what God has done so that we can use it later in the hard times to build our faith! Let’s allow God’s miracles to become our testimonies! Let’s allow God’s handiwork to become…

  • THRIVE: Anyone you are remembering?

    THRIVE: Anyone you are remembering?

    Do you know anyone who was in the military? Do you know anyone who is in the military? Do you know anyone who lost their lives serving in the military? Let’s make sure that we appreciate them today! Let’s consider how we can let them know how much we appreciate their service! Let’s consider what…

  • Have you forgotten? Do you remember?

    Have you forgotten? Do you remember?

    As I start today I remember sitting on the couch getting ready for work. I remember turning on the TV and to my surprise there was a plane that looked to be in a building. I remember trying to understand, grasp, figure out what was going on. I remember a second plane hitting the other…

  • United – One in Heart and Mission

    United – One in Heart and Mission

    Preaching by Pastor Dan Metteer God uses all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. ‘Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the…

  • Forget not His Benefits!

    Forget not His Benefits!

    As I awoke and lied in bed praying this morning, the words spoken to me on Friday started to ring in my head. The words that I have someone looking out for me. The words followed by how they wished they had someone looking out for them. I realized that they were thinking of people…

  • Do you remember or did you forget?

    Do you remember or did you forget?

    Do remember the good things that have happened? Do you remember the bad things that have happened? Do you remember the lessons from both of them? Have you forgotten the good? Have you forgotten the bad? Have you forgotten the lessons? Have you had to repeat the lesson because you forgot? Have you not passed…

  • Let us not forget…

    Let us not forget…

    Praying for the families and friends of those impacted by the 9/11 event. The tragedy that had me watching TV before work trying to figure out what was going on just as before my eyes the 2nd plane ran into the other tower. God be with them. God bless the USA. Help us to draw closer…

  • What if you could be the catalyst for change?

    What if you could be the catalyst for change?

    What if you could be the beginning of people turning away from doing bad and starting to do good again? What if you could be the one who starts a revival that points people in the right direction? What if you could be the one whose life would rekindle the love and the hope and…

  • Are you ready for Him to show up?

    Are you ready for Him to show up?

    Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing and what you have been called to do? Are you completing the work God has given you to do? Are you denying your calling or making excuses for why you couldn’t or shouldn’t? Are you ready for Him to show up and speak to you…

  • How long will you remember?

    How long will you remember?

    Ever been in a tough situation? Ever cried out to God for help because you didn’t know of any other way? Ever found victory thanks to God? How long did you remember and live up to it? Did you happen to get to comfortable and start going your own way? Did you forget where you…

  • Will you remember? How will you remember?

    Will you remember? How will you remember?

    Do you leave a marker? Do you write something down? How will you remember and remind those that come after you? Is there anything that you can do so it won’t be forgotten? Is there anything you can do to ensure that others will see it and remember what happened? How can you tell people…

  • How do you remember?

    How do you remember?

    How do you remember what happened? How do you remember how it happened? How do you remember the way it happened? How do you remember where it happened? How do you remember when it happened? How do you remember why it happened? How do you remember who was there? How do you remember what came…

  • Sometimes we need a reminder it’s not about them, it is about us!

    Sometimes we need a reminder it’s not about them, it is about us!

    Just because our parents did something doesn’t mean that we are that. Just because our parents had something doesn’t mean we have that. We need to be accountable and responsible for our own lives and remember what we have to be and have to do! Today’s reading starts with such a reminder from Moses to…