Tag: priorities

  • Feeling tired or burned out?

    Feeling tired or burned out?

    How are you managing your time? Ever heard of burning the candle at both ends and the detriment that has to your well-being? One thing I learned many years ago when my diabetes went out of whack because I was putting in my normal days work but because I was on the international team and…

  • Keeping the main thing the main thing.

    Keeping the main thing the main thing.

    Are you channel surfing on the TV? Are you hopping between stations on the car radio? Are you searching for things? Are you doing comparison shopping between yourself and others? Are you keeping the main thing the main thing? What is it that you are supposed to be doing? What is it that you need…

  • Top of mind and Top priority…

    Top of mind and Top priority…

    You wake up in the morning and what is top of mind? For me I start to pray and talk to God thanking Him for a new day and then I thank Him for my wife and pray over her for the day and then I pray over each of my kids individually and for…

  • Are you living your priorities?

    Are you living your priorities?

    As we get to a day of consideration and contemplation and before the work week gets started tomorrow, let’s consider what our priorities are and if we are living up to them. Let’s consider the top three or four on the list and then reflect upon if how we are choosing to live our lives…

  • With so many things going on, how do you decide what to do first?

    With so many things going on, how do you decide what to do first?

    How do you decide your top priority? How do you decide what you will give your time to today? How do you decide which requests is more important than another? With only 24 hours in a day, we need to be good stewards and use it to its full potential! How much time does your…

  • How do you focus?

    How do you focus?

    Ever considered what it takes to focus? Ever considered what it means to focus? Let’s reflect on the definition for a moment. As a noun, we see focus is defined as follows: As a verb, we see focus defined as follows: So you just woke up and about to start your day, where to you…

  • You do realize you are being watched right? What type of a role model are you being?

    You do realize you are being watched right? What type of a role model are you being?

    In a given day how many people are watching you? Are they watching you in person? Are they watching you on video? Are they watching you on phone calls? Are they watching you through online activity? Are they watching you through your financial transactions? Are they watching you through your calendar appointments? Are they watching…

  • Extended time to make it work.

    Extended time to make it work.

    Ever had to extend the day to make it work? What about starting earlier to join a meeting that will help in the businesses advancement? What about finishing the day later to join a meeting that will help the businesses advancement? What about being a global company and needing to be able to connect with…

  • How will you make the most out of your today?

    How will you make the most out of your today?

    Life is short in the grand scheme of things. All we have is what we have. So how will you make the most of it? How will you make the most of your family time? How will you make the most of your friend time? How will you make the most of you home time?…

  • What is your priority? How do you prioritize?

    Pray to the Lord that He will raise up more people who will share the message of Jesus, the Good News with others. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. But whatever house you enter, first…