Tag: priorities

  • Kick-off the week with the right priorities or else

    Kick-off the week with the right priorities or else

    Well, here we are again, the start of a new work week. So where are you going to get started? What will be your first thing to do? Put another way, what is your top priority? Do you realize the impact of having it wrong will have on you and the rest of the week?…

  • Finish Strong: Lots going on this week…

    Finish Strong: Lots going on this week…

    Imagine a week that started with the ending of serving teenage boys at a camp. Add onto that the celebration of a National Holiday and picking up your oldest from the airport. Getting back to work and learning the exciting news about your boss. Finding a long list of to-dos and meetings to kick-off the…

  • FOCUS: Can we use it to get it done today?

    FOCUS: Can we use it to get it done today?

    Here we go, our focus and ability to get it done today will determine the impact on the plans and schedule for tomorrow. So can we find the focus we need to get it done today? Can we use that focus to ensure that it gets done today? Where to turn and how to attain…

  • Priorities help ensure the right things get done.

    Priorities help ensure the right things get done.

    As I prepare to get back to work today, I am so glad to have made the time to go and see and celebrate my daughter’s graduation. To get to see her get acknowledged for graduating from her class, getting promoted, and then acknowledged for highest grade in the class too. To see them call…

  • Humpday Ideas: How to respond when things keep piling up?

    Humpday Ideas: How to respond when things keep piling up?

    Do you find yourself struggling with an ever-expanding to-do list and a mounting pile of tasks? As we approach midweek, also known as Humpday, let’s take a moment to seek guidance from God. By aligning our priorities with His plans and purposes, we can ensure that we are working on the tasks that truly matter.…

  • How to prioritize: The to-do list vs God’s good works list

    How to prioritize: The to-do list vs God’s good works list

    Firstly, every morning as I wake up and pray before rolling out of bed, my schedule, my calendar, my to-do list are all given over to God and I ask Him to help me get done what He considers a priority. Secondly, I give Him permission to remove things from my calendar and add new…

  • THRIVE: Doing what God asks and trust Him for the rest

    What an incredible weekend of getting to see and spend time with my oldest. What an incredible experience of God taking the compressed time I was given because of flight delays and missing original connection and bringing us the right vehicle even with the person I had been talking to gone because of the late…

  • THRIVE: Make your priorities a priority!

    THRIVE: Make your priorities a priority!

    What do you say your top 5 priorities are? What about your top 4? What about your top 3? If you say those 3 are your top and then consider how much time, money, and energy into things would an auditor tend to agree with you? What if they were only a time auditor? What…

  • THRIVE: Make time for and with the ones you love!

    THRIVE: Make time for and with the ones you love!

    It’s important to live your priorities. Ever found yourself at a tipping point and wondered what was going on or why things felt out of sorts? Have you ever found yourself in the wrong place and wondered how you got here? I remember getting the wake-up call when the doctor gave me the message. So…

  • THRIVE: Live for today, remembering the past.

    THRIVE: Live for today, remembering the past.

    On September 11th, 2001 as I was preparing to go to work and watching the morning news, I was captured by the picture on the screen and trying to figure out what was going on as there was a plane stuck in a building. As I was watching, a second plane hit the other building…

  • THRIVE: Time Management is key.

    THRIVE: Time Management is key.

    Ever used the quadrant method to try and help you with decisions around time management? Ever considered how often the urgent tries to come in and derail you from God’s plan and purpose for you? Ever tried to allow God’s plan and purpose to help you from getting distracted by the urgent (or what appears…

  • THRIVE: Making family time it’s worth the effort!

    THRIVE: Making family time it’s worth the effort!

    It’s important to make time to be with your family. It’s important to make time with your spouse. It’s important to make time with our kids! It’s important to be present! It’s important to put other things aside in order to have quality and quantity of family time! It’s important to put family first, because…

  • THRIVE: Pressing in and Pressing forward to accomplish what is most important!

    THRIVE: Pressing in and Pressing forward to accomplish what is most important!

    So with tomorrow being Friday how are you going to live out your today? Are you over the hump of Wednesday and coasting? Are you flying because Wednesday was a ramp and you are pressing in and pressing forward towards the goal for the glory of God? Are you focused? Are you prioritizing things so…

  • THRIVE: With limited time left how will you use the time you have left?

    THRIVE: With limited time left how will you use the time you have left?

    Be it a child visiting for the weekend. Be it a child graduating from high school. Be it a child heading off to college in a couple months. Be it your parents leaving in a couple days. Whatever the case, we need to be good stewards of our time and make the most out of…

  • THRIVE: Prioritize and Avoid the obstacles…

    THRIVE: Prioritize and Avoid the obstacles…

    Can you believe we are there already? We’ve made it to the day many call humpday. The day people think is the obstacle or bump in the road to the weekend. To thrive based on the definition means we continue to grow vigorously, to flourish, to prosper no matter what situation we are facing –…

  • THRIVE: Let’s get it done!

    THRIVE: Let’s get it done!

    As I wake up this morning I see a list of todos in front of me with excitement and energy. As I look ahead and see how busy work is and how busy life is I am excited to see God’s hand at work across all the areas of my life. Be it work with…

  • THRIVE: Making the most of the time we have.

    THRIVE: Making the most of the time we have.

    Today I woke up with an interesting perspective on how important it is to make the most of the time we have if we want to thrive for the glory of God! Be it sending my wife with my daughter on a trip so that neither of them will need to go it alone and…

  • Are you doing your part? Are your priorities straight?

    Are you doing your part? Are your priorities straight?

    Are you doing your part and staying focused? Are you playing your role in order that the handoff to the next person will be clean? Are you making sure you are ready when your turn comes up? Are you setting your priorities straight? Are you putting God first in order than in all that you…

  • Top 3…All things considered what are yours?

    Top 3…All things considered what are yours?

    Ever been at a point in your life where you had to go back and reprioritize things? Ever gotten to the breaking point where your health was starting to suffer and as such, you needed to make a change? Ever gotten to a crossroads where you needed to make a choice? I know I have.…

  • Don’t burn yourself out!

    Don’t burn yourself out!

    Many years back I had a big project that I was working on and it was through this experience I learned the importance of priorities, plans, and purpose. During that project for about 3 months I was running on approximately 4 hours of sleep per night. It took my regular / quarterly doctors appointment that…