Tag: Endurance

  • W8D3: Now what? Remember who He is and His name as Jireh.

    W8D3: Now what? Remember who He is and His name as Jireh.

    At midweek, needing to remember how to keep hoping and keep trusting. We’re past the point where my understanding suffices, and we must trust in and acknowledge God instead. On my morning walk with my dogs and God, my Spotify playlist Christian Pop Upbeat Mix, the randomizer closed my walk with the newly added song…

  • W7D5: Don’t give up, don’t give in, we need to be steadfast!

    W7D5: Don’t give up, don’t give in, we need to be steadfast!

    Even as I was writing the title, it reminded me of a brother who has his own blog titled STEADFAST. This morning’s verse of the day from Isaiah 26:3 AMP speaks the following in the middle of it being week 7 and day 5 of the continued searching, seeking, and applying in hopes of finding…

  • Finish Strong: Response is all we can control.

    Finish Strong: Response is all we can control.

    It’s Friday already and with the time left, we need to choose to finish the week strong. Ever had a day where it seemed like almost everything was going the wrong way? Where half your conversations were supportive and half felt more like attacks? Ever felt like you weren’t alone and so something must be…

  • Bad to worse, can you trust God in the process?

    Bad to worse, can you trust God in the process?

    Things feeling bad for you? Things feeling overwhelming? Things feeling like too much is being asked? Things feeling too heavy? Imagine someone coming along to try and intercede for you and the outcome getting worse. Imagine they try over and over again and yet things keep getting worse. Do you realize God is in control?…

  • What allows some things to persist, endure, remain while other things fade away?

    What allows some things to persist, endure, remain while other things fade away?

    Ever wonder why some things come and some things go? Ever wondered why some things endure while others fade away? Ever wondered why some things remain while other things have disappeared? Ever wondered what it takes to persist rather than stop? Ever wondered what it takes to carry on rather than abandon? Ever considered the…

  • What can you do?

    What can you do?

    Can you do some things? Can you do all things? Can you do nothing? How come? What is the motivation for the do? What is the reason for the do? What is the purpose for the do? What is the benefit for the do? Are you content? Does that contentment help you do? Does that…

  • Would you be willing to resist and endure in order to receive an award?

    Would you be willing to resist and endure in order to receive an award?

    No, not a participation trophy. This mean you accomplished something. This means you overcame something. This means you endured something and overcame it. This means you resisted the temptation and received approval. What types of achievements have you received in your life? Was it on a personal or professional level or both? Was it for…

  • Ever heard that you are supposed to consider pure joy when you face trials of many kinds?

    Ever heard that you are supposed to consider pure joy when you face trials of many kinds?

    Ever considered how in this world you will have troubles? Jesus warned us and at the same time gave us hope because also told us that in the midst of the troubles we can take heart because He has overcome the world! So how will you respond when troubles and trials come your way? Will…

  • Are you in it for now or for the long run?

    Are you in it for now or for the long run?

    Is it just a seasonal thing? Is it permanent? Is it temporary type of thing? Is it longer term? Are you pursuing your own gains? Are you seeking the serve others? Are you following God’s Word? Are you following God’s lead? Are you investing in something that will give a return now? Are you investing…

  • 5 days…

    5 days…

    Only 5 days left. Should I start looking to see what’s next? Should I focus on today and when I get there I will find it? It’s amazing how fast a year can go. It’s amazing to consider reading thru the entire Bible in that amount of time. It’s incredible the various options and ways,…

  • Will you trust Him?

    Will you trust Him?

    Will you trust His plan? Do you realize what His plan is like? He can take what the enemy planned for evil and turn it around and use it for good! He can restore what has been broken! He can save the lost! He can set the captives free! Will you trust Him? You need…

  • How will you respond to adversity?

    How will you respond to adversity?

    What will it reveal about your character? What will your response say about who you are? Where will you find strength? Where will you put your trust? Where does your hope come from? In this world you will have troubles – Jesus tells us that – He doesn’t say you may, He says “In this…