Tag: discernment

  • THRIVE: The direction is clear but the means and purpose uncertain.

    THRIVE: The direction is clear but the means and purpose uncertain.

    What a week. What a week as a dad. What a week as a husband. What a a week as an employee. What a week as a manager. What a week to have behind me. It makes me think of the quote I have used many times over the years “mom said there would be…

  • THRIVE: It requires wisdom and discernment. It requires a word from God.

    THRIVE: It requires wisdom and discernment. It requires a word from God.

    Can you believe it is March already? When I look back to the year starting with major change and the trickle-down impact it would or was going to have, I couldn’t imagine we would be at this point today. When I consider 2022 and the speed at which time has taken us into the third…

  • THRIVE: Here I go again (but not on my own) starting my week with God.

    THRIVE: Here I go again (but not on my own) starting my week with God.

    Unlike the song by Whitesnake “Here I Go Again” which has the lyrics of “Here I go again on my own“, as I prepare for this day, I start it with God and His Word because I know that God is with me. We see if we listen to the lyrics, we see how in…

  • What happens when you realize you missed a few things?

    What happens when you realize you missed a few things?

    Do you go back and do it? Do you carry it along and then do it last? Do you see how you can integrate it? Do you try to fix it? You might wonder how this came to mind. I realized not checking the dates as I have been blogging of late and have discovered…

  • News… what’s in it for you?

    News… what’s in it for you?

    What comes to mind when you think of the NEWS? Is it timing? The morning NEWS, the mid-day NEWS, the end of day NEWS, or the late night NEWS? Is it categorized? Top NEWS, Political NEWS, Business NEWS, Money NEWS, Medical NEWS, Local NEWS, Regional NEWS, National NEWS, Global NEWS, Sports NEWS, Scientific NEWS, Technological…

  • What to do?

    What to do?

    It’s new and gathering information can help frame things. It’s new and the parameters are vague. It’s new and it is up to you to define it. It’s new and it requires that the management chain agree and are aligning or in alignment. How can you do it? How can you scope it? How deep…

  • Do you realize the value of having the wisdom and knowledge of God?

    Do you realize the value of having the wisdom and knowledge of God?

    Ever been in a situation where you felt you were way over your head? Ever turned to God for answers? for help? for wisdom? for knowledge? The example for me that comes to mind was back at a time when I was much younger and God had called me to join a homeowners association board…

  • Do not become discouraged (utterly spiritless, exhausted, and wearied out through fear)

    Do not become discouraged (utterly spiritless, exhausted, and wearied out through fear)

    As the week begins let’s start it off on the right foot. Let’s fill ourselves up with the Holy Spirit by spending time in God’s Word. Let’s remove any barriers by dealing with any issues or concerns up front. Let’s not allow bitterness nor anger nor frustration be our drivers or motivation as we start…

  • What type of legislators are there?

    What type of legislators are there?

    I know there are some who go in with a servant leadership heart and desires to serve the people that elected them. I know there are some that seek God’s wisdom in every decision they need to make. I know there are some that God uses for big initiatives. I know there are some that…

  • Not sure what to do? where to turn? how to…

    Not sure what to do? where to turn? how to…

    Wisdom is the word that comes to mind. Wisdom is the word that points my thoughts to God. Wisdom is the word that makes me turn to God’s Word. Wisdom is what explains the how. Wisdom’s Light and Limits 1Who is like the wise person? Who knows the meaning of a matter? A person’s wisdom…

  • What you need!

    What you need!

    Do you know what you need? Do you know where to go to get it? Do you know where to turn to find it? Do you realize the benefits? Do you realize the purpose? Do you realize how much you need it? Confidence, Discernment, Integrity 1The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the…

  • Don’t get tricked or fooled…seek wisdom

    Don’t get tricked or fooled…seek wisdom

    In this world there will be many things that will try to tempt you into doing things you shouldn’t! In this world there will be many things that will try to tempt you into doing things you will regret! In this world the devil who comes to rob, steal, and destroy will be trying to…

  • You know what we need? Wisdom!

    You know what we need? Wisdom!

    Every day we are put into situations where we need to make a decision. Every day there is someone asking questions. Every day there is someone wanting an answer. Every day there is a new challenge to face. Every day we need to decide! So what do you do? Where do you turn? How do…

  • Do you realize the benefits of obedience?

    Do you realize the benefits of obedience?

    Do you realize there is a benefit to being obedient? Do you realize there are disadvantages to being disobedient? Do you realize that there is a reason behind the direction? Do you realize there is a reason behind the instruction? Will you receive the wisdom and walk it out obediently? God’s plans for you are…

  • LOVE–the greatest gift of all. Will you give it? Will you receive it?

    What greater love is this, than to laydown your life for a friend. (Jesus went to the cross and gave up His life for us, that we may be called friends of God and be reconciled back onto the Father, bridging the GAP created so long ago in the Garden of Eden.) Thank God for…