Tag: discernment

  • W6D3: How do you know as you continue to ask, seek, and knock which is it?

    W6D3: How do you know as you continue to ask, seek, and knock which is it?

    It’s important to know who to ask when you are trying to get an answer. It requires asking the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you as you seek it so that He can answer and help lead and guide you wherever you are headed. As for knocking, my prayer has been and continues to…

  • W5D2: Truth requires discernment. Decisions require discernment.

    W5D2: Truth requires discernment. Decisions require discernment.

    After a few bumps in the road yesterday found a few more opportunities to look into and find referrers for as I step into today. The one active application is still an exciting one and hoping to hear back on it soon. An early morning meeting to discuss a situation and absenteeism will require discernment to determine the truth as many sources…

  • W4D4: What’s next? Can’t lose hope or faith as nothing is visible yet to my human eyes.

    W4D4: What’s next? Can’t lose hope or faith as nothing is visible yet to my human eyes.

    As I’ve watch roles come and go, I remember God speaking to me to have faith like Jacob from Genesis 31 and the reinforcement of trusting God like Joshua and Caleb in Numbers 13-14, and to be bold and courageous like Joshua as Moses and God commanded him as he was leading everyone into the…

  • W2D6: Preparing for the good works God has coming down the pipe.

    W2D6: Preparing for the good works God has coming down the pipe.

    God’s prepared in advance good works for me and my team to perform for the sake of at-risk youth in the foster care system and for His glory. To make sure the team is ready we need to prepare our training to help the new people learn and the returning people remember. So today as…

  • God’s Timing is Perfect! Waiting on Him while doing what you are supposed to do.

    God’s Timing is Perfect! Waiting on Him while doing what you are supposed to do.

    Ever wondered how things will play out? You see the end of one thing and you are anticipating the beginning of another and yet you don’t see it yet. So today as I see it by faith and not by sight, I trust in God and wait upon Him for I know that He will…

  • Focus on God: No matter if today is a mountain or a mole hill.

    Focus on God: No matter if today is a mountain or a mole hill.

    Well, here we are again, it’s the day some call Humpday. I am choosing to keep my focus on God today because I know He is greater than everything that could come my way. His Word promises how trusting and focusing on Him, even if a mountain comes our way by faith, it can be…

  • Lead with love to finish the week strong!

    Lead with love to finish the week strong!

    Well it’s Friday again, the weeks go by so quick when there is so much to do. It’s been a weird one starting the week sick, mixed emotions through a chunk of it, and continuing to press in and press on in hopes of finishing the week strong for the glory of God! So today…

  • Could it be the day? Could it be the time?

    Could it be the day? Could it be the time?

    Ever had an idea of what you wanted? Ever wondered how long it might take to get it? How much searching will it take? How many places will you have to look? What if it shows up somewhere you wouldn’t have thought to look? What if it required others looking and pointing out the opportunities?…

  • How to Find Your Rhythm After the First Day Back

    How to Find Your Rhythm After the First Day Back

    Well first workday of 2024 is in the books. Felt exhausted and so didn’t last too long last night but did get to have some family time playing cribbage with my parents and daughter. A super busy day as we had Monday off for New Years so a bunch of those meetings showed up on…

  • How to Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Daily Life

    How to Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Daily Life

    Well, it’s Friday which means we don’t get to coast but need to finish strong! It means we need to wait on God this morning before we start our day so that the Holy Spirit can light us on fire to accomplish all the good works God has prepared in advance for us to accomplish.…

  • Wisdom and Discernment + Health and Protection = All we need

    Wisdom and Discernment + Health and Protection = All we need

    I learned through my readings that lead me to start BeTheDads.com that when I pray the key elements are wisdom and discernment to help navigate through my today and health and protection to keep me strong and well to make it through. Today as I looked to see what reading was part of the plan,…

  • THRIVE: How to?

    THRIVE: How to?

    When you think of wanting to thrive, what comes to mind? Is it a specific part of your life? Is it a desire or a drive in what you do? Is it a passion to make it happen? Do you have the plan to make it happen? Do you have goals to make it a…

  • THRIVE: God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!

    THRIVE: God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!

    As today begins, this verse came to mind, telling me to not walk into today with a spirit of fear because that isn’t from God! So to thrive today I need to walk in the Spirit of God that will give me the power I will need to get things done in order to finish…

  • THRIVE: It’s a new day!

    THRIVE: It’s a new day!

    Happy Today! What an incredible weekend and God definitely knows what He is doing. When you have a set of volunteers with a given set of experience, priorities, and purpose God sends the right people to be ministered to. It was evident in the way this summer’s camps went that God’s camp was under His…

  • THRIVE: Wisdom and Knowledge…

    THRIVE: Wisdom and Knowledge…

    Yesterday wasn’t what I expected as I went from thinking the cough I was dealing with was over to having new symptoms and getting wisdom and knowledge from God to go get it checked out. Unfortunately, there were no appointments with my normal doctor so I had to go to urgent care to get checked…

  • THRIVE: Let’s get this week kicked off right.

    THRIVE: Let’s get this week kicked off right.

    With a week filled with excitement and anticipation, we need to get this week kicked off right. With a great time at JAMFEST, a great time of worship with Austin French, great testimony from Luke Ridnour, and an inspirational message both at JAMFEST and in services on Sunday by Pastor Steve Jamison, it’s time to…

  • THRIVE: It is better to be healthy and strong than safe…

    THRIVE: It is better to be healthy and strong than safe…

    This morning, as I was praying, the aha moment showed that we aren’t to be limited by fear or trying to play it safe. This morning, as I was praying the reality that it is better to be healthy and robust, comes with the benefits of being able to do what God calls us to…

  • THRIVE: Take what you know and put it into action!

    THRIVE: Take what you know and put it into action!

    Still, feeling new and so much more to know? Consider what you do know and put it into action! Consider how you can put into action what you know and how it can help! Consider areas where you can add value and produce results! Consider what information you have that would be or could be…

  • THRIVE: It’s time to get things started…

    THRIVE: It’s time to get things started…

    Let’s be people who live authentic lives and don’t try to make decisions or choices for others. Why should you limit them by thinking they will say no rather than hopefully thinking they will say yes? Why would you limit them because of your own doubts or fears? Why not share what God is and…

  • THRIVE: So there is a change in direction and so you provide input, …

    THRIVE: So there is a change in direction and so you provide input, …

    The first day of the workweek is behind us. I grabbed the concept, the direction, the idea and produced recommendations to support it. So much change is taking place and yet with the final update published my final destination (from a reporting structure) is unclear. The good news is that my final destination (for eternity…