Category: Develop

  • W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    Thought I would test’s AI to get it to summarize the site’s view of priorities. It was interesting to capture what it had to say so will share it here: (in case you want to check it out but sharing answer below) As I prepare to go and serve at church today…

  • Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    Day 40: We’re here, it’s day 40 of 2024.

    What have you had to go through to get to this point? Ever considered the different things that are connected to the number 40? As the number 40 jumped out at me today, I wanted to investigate if there are any connections or significance to the number. Doing a bit of research, I found a…

  • THRIVE: Remember the Definition?

    THRIVE: Remember the Definition?

    Let’s go and grab the definition of THRIVE: to grow or develop well or vigorously because of and in some cases in spite of your circumstances. So how are your circumstances looking today? For you to thrive, will you be looking to grow and develop vigorously because of your circumstances or in spite of your…

  • Is developed always better?

    Is developed always better?

    When people compare status of nations and they say that some are developed vs developing, some probably think one is better than the other, but is it? Is it better to make life more complicated and more complex? Is it better to make life heavier to carry? Is it better to make life more complex…

  • Ever heard that hindsight is 2020?

    Ever heard that hindsight is 2020?

    Is it reversible? If so does that mean we are about to head into 2020 and so it will be hindsight? Looking up the word hindsight we can find the definition is “understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed“. So going into 2020 might it be possible that we…

  • Ja who? How will you be remembered?

    Ja who? How will you be remembered?

    Are you living a life that will be remembered? Are you living a life that will be called out? Are you living a life that will make a difference? Are you living a life that will be rewarded by God? Are you living a life that will point others to the benefits of a relationship…