Tag: wondered

  • W10D4: Ever wondered what’s it all about when you discovered it’s not all about you?

    W10D4: Ever wondered what’s it all about when you discovered it’s not all about you?

    We are called and created to serve right? Well, if that’s the case that means it’s not all about us. So, if “it’s not about me” then have you discovered what it is about? Have you discovered that we are to serve? The upside-down pyramid is where leadership is at the bottom and serves everyone…

  • W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    What happens when no new roles are showing up? How to proceed when you’ve checked out the normal places and nothing new that meets the requirements is showing up? And yet there are five active roles in play today. So this morning I am turning to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment, instruction and…

  • Better to give… What have you given up that has worked out for the best?

    Better to give… What have you given up that has worked out for the best?

    Ever heard it is better to give than receive? Might there be something to giving something up that could actually benefit you? Could it be that when you give up or give away something that it does something powerful in you? What if giving is an act that causes or is a catalyst for something…

  • Happy New Year’s Eve: Finish Strong while you have time

    Happy New Year’s Eve: Finish Strong while you have time

    Happy New Year’s Eve to nearly everyone I know as there are some people in other time zones, even though I am up early who are already a day ahead and to you I say Happy New Year’s day. Nobody know how much time is left or that we have left since yesterday is gone…

  • Ending: Swift Ebb of 2023 – Seize the Remaining Moments

    Ending: Swift Ebb of 2023 – Seize the Remaining Moments

    Time is running out in 2023 and a few last things to check off my to-do list. How about you? Is there anything left on your list to wrap up on the remaining moments? As the ending of 2023 approaches, how will you make the time to get it done well? Did you find that…

  • Last Friday of 2023 – On the right side of history?

    Last Friday of 2023 – On the right side of history?

    Where has the year gone? By the time we get to Monday we will be in 2024. So where will you appear when people review history? Will you be on the right side of history? How can you be sure? What decision can you make to help ensure you are? Looking through the temporal window…

  • Witnesses: What’s the minimum that ensures truth and right decision?

    Witnesses: What’s the minimum that ensures truth and right decision?

    Did you see that? Where their witnesses? How can you ensure the truth? What would it take to ensure the right decision? Do those involved count? Are they enough? Do there have to be bystander witness to ensure truth and right decision win out? How many will help ensure truth is revealed and the right…

  • Quality Time doesn’t meaning reducing or giving up quantity time.

    Quality Time doesn’t meaning reducing or giving up quantity time.

    The holidays have come, family has come over or back, and you get to spend time with them. Do you spend the bare minimum amount of time and try to make it quality time? Do you choose to spend quantity time with them and allow quality outcomes to materialized in and through it? Your wife,…

  • Reflection and Preparation

    Reflection and Preparation

    After a fun time with some family and friends, celebrating the reason for the season, today as I prepare for the day, I was wondering what to do. I’m expecting a package that will get the family back onto our regular high-speed internet. We’re also expecting company as my parents are coming for a visit.…

  • Merry Christmas – Praying you will all have a wonderful day.

    Merry Christmas – Praying you will all have a wonderful day.

    Did you know that today is to celebrate what the angels told the shepherds thousands of years ago? Imagine ‘Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news…

  • Today is Christmas-eve and a week before New Year’s Eve.

    Today is Christmas-eve and a week before New Year’s Eve.

    After an getting to experience a Christmas-eve service last night and preparing for a Christmas-eve day Sunday services before a series of Christmas-eve services start to heat up this afternoon, I first turn to God’s Word to finish what I started, the goal of reading the Bible in a year. With camps and being offline,…

  • Beginning of the End vs End of the Beginning

    Beginning of the End vs End of the Beginning

    Knowing that today’s reading will be starting the end book of the Bible which happens to be where this blog got its beginning, and with everything taking place in this world, I came up with today’s title. Could today be the beginning of the end or is it the end of the beginning? What could…

  • Right Now! How would you live today if you knew the end was near?

    Right Now! How would you live today if you knew the end was near?

    You wake up this morning to close out the week and then you realize something. There is something to be done and there isn’t much time left. So what are you going to do about it? How are you going to respond? What is the plan for right now? How is this realization going to…

  • When you aren’t sure, lean into God and finish strong!

    Had several meetings this week where we realized it will be the last one for the year. With family coming to town for the holidays it makes these next couple days have additional focus on pulling things together in order to finish strong. Where has 2023 gone? Less than a dozen days to go before…

  • The Fight for the Faith: Standing Firm in a World of Compromise

    The Fight for the Faith: Standing Firm in a World of Compromise

    As we start today have you been facing struggles, competition, and even arguments that try to get you to compromise? Are you ready to stand firm on the solid rock that is Jesus Christ and build your life upon Him? Will you allow the Holy Spirit into your life to be your comforter and guide…

  • Focus: Is it easier when you only have 1 thing on the list?

    Focus: Is it easier when you only have 1 thing on the list?

    Are you able to focus better when there is only 1 item on your to-do list? Does it help you move forward, or does it cause you to become more easily distracted since you think there is only one thing to do? Will it help you get it done sooner or will you feel like…

  • Loyalty vs Faithfulness – do you see the connection?

    Loyalty vs Faithfulness – do you see the connection?

    When you consider the relationship with people what comes to mind, loyalty or faithfulness? When you consider your relationship with God, what comes to mind loyalty or faithfulness? As similar as the words may seem to many there are significant differences. Loyalty: commitment or devotion Loyalty refers to a sense of commitment or devotion to…

  • Faith: What it is going to take to make it!

    Faith: What it is going to take to make it!

    To get you through the highs and lows of life requires faith! Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. When it comes to the end and what remains, we learn that it is faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love! So today as we…

  • Perseverance: The midst of the storm, don’t give up!

    Perseverance: The midst of the storm, don’t give up!

    As I start today, I reflect on a great message I heard by Willie Jolley “A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback“. He came to a men’s conference at our church and wow what a powerful message to receive when you are faced with a setback. The enemy is going to try to make…

  • It’s good to know the top priority since if everything is P0 then nothing is.

    It’s good to know the top priority since if everything is P0 then nothing is.

    Ever seen a situation where people are asking for stuff and saying they are all top priority, P0 (priority 0), and need them yesterday? It’s an interesting position to be put in since you can’t really do everything at the same time and multi-tasking is really just micro-tasking of various things with a given break…