Tag: Trials

  • W10D6: Focus and Purpose – It’s what it will take to get there strong.

    W10D6: Focus and Purpose – It’s what it will take to get there strong.

    As I wake up today and consider what is ahead of me, I realize that through these weeks there have been many things taking place outside of my control and my focus on finding my next job. I am glad I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time researching, reviewing, praying over,…

  • W8D2: When your hope is in Jesus, you know it’s not over yet.

    W8D2: When your hope is in Jesus, you know it’s not over yet.

    My daily routine involves making tea for my son before he heads off to school. After that, the dogs come to get me for our walk. Sometimes, I have devotional time between these activities, other times it happens a bit later. This morning I was encouraged during my morning to walk when on Spotify the…

  • W7D5: Don’t give up, don’t give in, we need to be steadfast!

    W7D5: Don’t give up, don’t give in, we need to be steadfast!

    Even as I was writing the title, it reminded me of a brother who has his own blog titled STEADFAST. This morning’s verse of the day from Isaiah 26:3 AMP speaks the following in the middle of it being week 7 and day 5 of the continued searching, seeking, and applying in hopes of finding…

  • W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    What happens when no new roles are showing up? How to proceed when you’ve checked out the normal places and nothing new that meets the requirements is showing up? And yet there are five active roles in play today. So this morning I am turning to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment, instruction and…

  • What to do on day 2? Tuesday? Today? Learn, Grow, and Give.

    What to do on day 2? Tuesday? Today? Learn, Grow, and Give.

    On the theme of words that sound similar, starting with words that sound like or include the sound /tu:/. It’s today() = Tuesday and day 2 of this week. As I consider my day it is made up of time to learn as I have a 9am appointment, to grow as I get to have…

  • Inspire: Finish Stronger and Prepare for what’s next

    Inspire: Finish Stronger and Prepare for what’s next

    What a powerful week for Inspire to happen. I wasn’t able to make the one-day conference and yet I am sure it impacted many people who were in attendance. As we close out the work week, leading into the vision banquet on Saturday and then Miracle Sunday it’s important to finish it out strong. As…

  • Fast Forward: Ever wanted to skip something, ever regretted it?

    Fast Forward: Ever wanted to skip something, ever regretted it?

    You may want or like fast forward when it comes to your DVR and commercials, but have you ever considered what you’ve missed? You may think you would like to fast forward through stages of life to get to the next phase that you think is better but I recommend against it. Over the years…

  • Launched: Wednesday ended up being a launch pad

    Launched: Wednesday ended up being a launch pad

    As we begin today and are flying towards the end of the week, I thank God for His help in the connections, the relationships, the friendships, and the incredible delivery that was a part of yesterday. As we head into today, I am praying for the team as we look to close the week strong…

  • Trials, Perseverance, and a heart of joy enable the process to being complete and lacking nothing.

    Trials, Perseverance, and a heart of joy enable the process to being complete and lacking nothing.

    What are you facing today? Do you realize that you are supposed to rejoice in the Lord always, not part-time but full-time? It’s because Jesus told us to take heart when we face trials of many kinds! Also, instead of being anxious, we can with thanksgiving bring our prayers and petitions to God in every…

  • How many days are there in your week?

    How many days are there in your week?

    When you read that question what comes to mind for you? Seven of course. Or do you think of your week in terms of numbers of days you work and so your answer would be 5. Or do you work shiftwork and so to you the week is the full 7 days but the days…

  • Happy Today! Choose it daily!

    Happy Today! Choose it daily!

    This morning as I was going thru my newsfeed I noticed an interesting fact, that today is International Day Of Happiness 2023. It made me wonder why would it only be one day and how could creating the day make it happier than any other day. We know that everyday is the day that the…

  • THRIVE: How to deal with the tears, the pain, the trials, and the troubles!

    THRIVE: How to deal with the tears, the pain, the trials, and the troubles!

    Lean in on God rather than your own understanding. Acknowledge and trust God! Is it a rough season for you? Are you shedding some tears? Consider what God’s Word has to say: ‘and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be death; there will no longer be sorrow…

  • THRIVE: What’s the news?

    THRIVE: What’s the news?

    As I get started today there are many thoughts in my head. I am turning and seeking God’s wisdom and discernment as I am expecting to hear and learn more today. The news is interesting as there is the unpublished as well as the published news. The news is intriguing as it makes me wonder…

  • THRIVE: Embrace and consider how the change can be used.

    THRIVE: Embrace and consider how the change can be used.

    Do you remember how God can work what the enemy planned for evil and turn it around and use it for good? Do you remember how God does or allows something to happen for two reasons: (1) for His glory and (2) for your good! So yes, it’s 2022 and I am facing an unknown…

  • The benefits of being tested and trials…

    The benefits of being tested and trials…

    One of the things that came to mind when I thought about the benefits of being tested was the fact that you will have a testimony. Testing also brings with it the benefits of understanding what we know, the gaps, and improved performance. Testing helps with our ability to retain and retrieve information too. Testing…

  • Ever been recruited? Ever been asked to be a contributor? Did it feel like it might be more than you can handle?

    Ever been recruited? Ever been asked to be a contributor? Did it feel like it might be more than you can handle?

    Well, many years ago a friend named Ken started recruiting with the idea of writing a book, a devotional of sorts for men. It was written so as not to be overwhelming and hence 1 per week and at the same time be something powerful that could impact the lives of many men. The book…

  • What is the answer to “Why do you …?” Is it LOVE?

    What is the answer to “Why do you …?” Is it LOVE?

    Why you do something can be questioned by some in an effort to determine your motivation and purpose. For some it is the love people. For others it is the love of money. For some it is the love of position or power. For some it is the love of the product or service. For…

  • Do you realize the impact of a little on a lot?

    Do you realize the impact of a little on a lot?

    I think it comes down to perspective. Imagine that you are facing a huge situation that you need to take care of. Imagine you have a little bit of faith, say the size of a mustard seed, in God. This is where my math brain kicks in and shows how even that little bit of…

  • Where do you turn when things get tough? How do you make it through?

    Where do you turn when things get tough? How do you make it through?

    Having challenges at home? Having challenges at work? Having challenges in your community? Having challenges in your relationships? Having challenges in your service? When you feel the resistance, does it cause you to lose heart or to press harder? When you feel the resistance, does it cause you to seek wisdom and discernment to understand…

  • Ever been in a hostile environment or been mistreated?

    Ever been in a hostile environment or been mistreated?

    Walking into each day we know there is a chance that we will face troubles or trials because Jesus warned us of this and instructed us how to respond be it by taking heart or considering it pure joy. It wasn’t a might but it was a will have troubles. But the degree or severity…