Tag: priorities

  • W11D1: Getting things lined up for the week ahead.

    W11D1: Getting things lined up for the week ahead.

    As I got up late this morning, compared to what others have referred to as O dark hundred, I am considering all that needs to be done to be ready for this week. I know God has prepared all the good works He has planned in advance for me to get done list. I know…

  • W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    Thought I would test bing.com’s AI to get it to summarize the BeTheDads.com site’s view of priorities. It was interesting to capture what it had to say so will share it here: https://sl.bing.net/d5yaCMvYGwS (in case you want to check it out but sharing answer below) As I prepare to go and serve at church today…

  • Good to Great: It took time to wait for it.

    Good to Great: It took time to wait for it.

    As I start this morning, I am getting a late start as I was feeling off and even slept in a bit. Getting to serve last night for the Good Friday service and to hear an incredible message from Pastor Josh and a portrayal of the path to the cross, it provides the reasons why…

  • Passion Week: Who or What are you passionate about?

    Passion Week: Who or What are you passionate about?

    It starts at home for me. My priorities are God, wife, kids, and God’s calling to help others. The purpose is to be the dad my family and the world need me to be. God has created, planned, and purposed this calling for me. As we enter Passion Week, we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice. He…

  • Right Priorities ensure you are a good steward

    Right Priorities ensure you are a good steward

    We are limited and finite and so to ensure that we are good stewards, we need to make sure we have right priorities. How are you spending those hours you have in a day? What about your resources? How are you using your talents God has given you to the full? What about your testimonies?…

  • New Beginnings: Here we go again, into a new work week…

    New Beginnings: Here we go again, into a new work week…

    As the weekend is in the rearview mirror, a new beginning is ahead of each of us. The list already exists and now we need to step into working as unto the Lord to get the right things done on time. Yesterday was a day to celebrate my youngest’s birthday which was fun to get…

  • You can do more! When your TODO list never ends…

    You can do more! When your TODO list never ends…

    Do you have breath in your lungs and woke up this morning? God’s not done with you yet and you can do more. Imagine knocking out a bunch of things yesterday and realizing the TODO list isn’t done, you can do more. We only have 24 hours in a day and so we need to…

  • Priorities: How will you spend your time today?

    Priorities: How will you spend your time today?

    Understanding our true priorities is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful and meaningful life. Evidence of these priorities often surfaces in our daily choices, reflecting where we invest our time, money, and energy. This profound insight into our actions can guide us towards aligning our lives with principles that lead to fulfillment and glorify…

  • Priorities: Would knowing it is the end change anything? Urgent considerations.

    Priorities: Would knowing it is the end change anything? Urgent considerations.

    Let us imagine that we learn today is the end, what urgent considerations would that cause you? How would it impact your priorities and behavior? Would your responses and reactions be any different? Are there choices or decisions that you were putting off that you would prioritize to make? How would knowing it is the…

  • Happy New Year! Finished strong now let’s start stronger!

    Happy New Year! Finished strong now let’s start stronger!

    Happy New Year to everyone near and far. I hope you were able to have a wonderful close to 2023 between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the close of the year. Hope you were able to enjoy some quality and quantity time with your family and friends. I hope you managed to get those items you…

  • It’s good to know the top priority since if everything is P0 then nothing is.

    It’s good to know the top priority since if everything is P0 then nothing is.

    Ever seen a situation where people are asking for stuff and saying they are all top priority, P0 (priority 0), and need them yesterday? It’s an interesting position to be put in since you can’t really do everything at the same time and multi-tasking is really just micro-tasking of various things with a given break…

  • Top of Mind: Let’s get it done and finish strong today!

    Top of Mind: Let’s get it done and finish strong today!

    As I prepare for today and realize it is the close of another workweek as well as the day my younger daughter plays in the conference championship game for soccer, what’s top of mind is the need to get it done and finish strong today. What is top of mind for you? What is on…

  • Focus: With so much going on and so much now done

    Focus: With so much going on and so much now done

    It’s time to stop and focus. There is so much going on and such limited time remaining, we need to make sure that the top things are what get done. Let’s pause to celebrate the victories together as it was a team effort. Let’s review what’s most important to get done before the freeze. Then…

  • Inspired, Informed, Refreshed and now back to it

    Inspired, Informed, Refreshed and now back to it

    This morning as I get ready for this day, the dog wants to go for a walk early, the boy’s school is canceled again and so he is going back to bed, and I get to take this inspiration, information, and time of refreshing from the weekend into today. Things can get busy and yet…

  • Finish Strong in order to glorify God!

    Finish Strong in order to glorify God!

    On a shortened week, it’s important to make sure that we finish strong since the list won’t get shorter if we don’t. Let’s put first things first and make sure that the things we choose to do are valuable and in the upper quadrants of the priority matrix. I remember a time when things were…

  • Things stacking up? How to declutter for a shortened week?

    Things stacking up? How to declutter for a shortened week?

    The list keeps growing and the old things still haven’t gone away causing a backlog and for things to start stacking up. Expecting a few items to cleared out soon which should help some although it may signal the end of one phase and the beginning of the next. So how do we make it…

  • Half-Way: Pause and consider what matters most to you.

    Half-Way: Pause and consider what matters most to you.

    As we head into Wednesday, half-way through the workweek, let’s pause before we get started and make sure we have our priorities right. Life is short! The reality of that hit me and our team yesterday when we learned one of our coworkers had passed away. It was unexpected and a surprise to everyone. It’s…

  • How to make work-life balance: Keep them equally busy

    How to make work-life balance: Keep them equally busy

    A busy work week comes to a close and some may wonder how we can balance work and life things. I’ve discovered in the past the only way to make it balance and allow for life is to make life just as busy as work, then they balance. Now, some have shaken their heads and…

  • Let’s finish strong! Focus on what matters most!

    Let’s finish strong! Focus on what matters most!

    Hard to believe that another week has passed and that here we are standing at the doorway to the weekend with the rest of today between us and then. To finish the week strong, we will need to complete some of the tasks on our list but for it to be finished strong, we need…

  • Priorities: How do you spend 2-3 free hours?

    Priorities: How do you spend 2-3 free hours?

    As I consider today and the schedule before me, I know I am going to have to review or set priorities. There are a lot of the timeslots filled to the max and yet after work, there is going to be time where everyone is going to be gone. I will have 2-3 ours of…