Bigger than you: Where do you turn?

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. When I face something bigger than me I turn to God because I know my God is bigger. When I face something stronger than me I turn to God because I know my God is stronger. How about you? When you have a challenge, … Continue reading Bigger than you: Where do you turn?

What does it take for someone to be considered dependable or reliable?

How much time does it take for you to be able to label someone as dependable? How much time does it take for you to be able to label someone as reliable? Ever considered the difference? Ever considered the durability? Let's compare the meaning of these two words: Dependable = a person to which one … Continue reading What does it take for someone to be considered dependable or reliable?

Trying to figure it all out on your own?

Are you trying to make sense of what is going on? Are you trying to make it your way? Are you trying to go it alone? Do you think you have it all figured out? Do you know where to turn? Do you know who to ask? Do you know who to trust? Do you … Continue reading Trying to figure it all out on your own?

Walk with the Spirit as your guide and counselor.

Feeling frustrated? Have you stopped relying on God? God has given us the Holy Spirit and His grace to help us walk through anything that comes our way. Frustration his when we stop depending on Him and try to do it all our way. When we feel frustrated let’s stop, consider, and refocus: Stop and … Continue reading Walk with the Spirit as your guide and counselor.