Tag: Apply

  • W6D2: Asking to understand to ensure good stewardship.

    W6D2: Asking to understand to ensure good stewardship.

    Have you ever found yourself pondering something? What sparked your curiosity or led to that thought? Was it a question asked out of fear or worry? Was it a question asked out of some positive or negative intentions? “Did you ask yourself if what you’re thinking about aligns with bringing glory to God?” Will the…

  • W6D1: Stepping into the week following Pentecost Sunday in the power of the Holy Spirit

    W6D1: Stepping into the week following Pentecost Sunday in the power of the Holy Spirit

    Here we go into a new week with hopes and dreams for what is to come, not leaning on my own understanding but trusting in God and His perfect timing, acknowledging Him because I know it will reveal the right path. Feeling better as I wake up after asking the Holy Spirit to bring healing…

  • Learnings with first Workweek in the books!

    Learnings with first Workweek in the books!

    It’s been an interesting first week, getting back into the swing of things and seeing all the new things that are coming up too. Be it through my daily devotionals as we work through the book of Matthew. Topics like Happy New Year! Finished strong now let’s start stronger!, Prepared: Back to the new routine…