Category: New Heart

  • New start to a new day of a new week and keeping the main thing the main thing.

    New start to a new day of a new week and keeping the main thing the main thing.

    As the last week closed out strong (Lead with love to finish the week strong!), and allowed me to step into the weekend praising God (God is so good and faithful, finished strong!) and pursuing His will and stepping up to be the dad by having some quality father-son time (Seek first the kingdom of…

  • Priorities: How will you spend your time today?

    Priorities: How will you spend your time today?

    Understanding our true priorities is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful and meaningful life. Evidence of these priorities often surfaces in our daily choices, reflecting where we invest our time, money, and energy. This profound insight into our actions can guide us towards aligning our lives with principles that lead to fulfillment and glorify…

  • Heart & Mind: The detriments they have when not healthy

    Heart & Mind: The detriments they have when not healthy

    When your heart and mind aren’t in the right place, what people say can be misinterpreted. Our heart and mind health will impact our ability to hear and receive messages that others deliver. Did you hear what was said? Were there any verbal cues? What about the tone? How about body language? Did you just…

  • Matter of the heart – Watch your day turn out differently!

    Matter of the heart – Watch your day turn out differently!

    So, you woke up this morning and felt unsure about what just happened. Check your heart! You may find that it’s the source of how your day turns out. The health of your heart will impact not only your wellbeing but also your reactions and responses to what happens. So today before you get started…

  • From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

    From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

    What are you full of? What is the content of your heart going to overflow into the lives of the people around you? Ever been through a process of cleansing? How about a purification process? How did you feel afterwards? Consider the actions you are taking and what it is saying about the content of…

  • Makes all things new: Ready for this new week?

    Makes all things new: Ready for this new week?

    As we start this week are you walking in the reality of receiving and accepting Jesus? ‘This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! ‘ 2 Corinthians 5:17 Were you able to reflect upon last week? Did you make or…

  • A new day, A new week, one with resounding passion.

    A new day, A new week, one with resounding passion.

    Palm Sunday yesterday and the work week begins today. Happy Today! This is the day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it. As we get this week kicked off there are so many things in front of us as we remember what this week represents behind us. It’s…

  • Hard hearted? Ready to make a trade?

    Hard hearted? Ready to make a trade?

    To begin today, let’s consider the state of our hearts. Are we hard hearted and pushing God away or being disobedient to His calling or commands on our lives? Is your hardened heart keeping you from doing what God wants, similar to pharaoh in his encounters with Moses? Have things gotten to the point where…

  • THRIVE: Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your day!

    THRIVE: Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your day!

    Busy calendar? Is it because you have to be or because you let it be? Is it with the right people at the right time on the right topics? Invite God into your scheduling and allow Him to add/remove things from it based on His plans and purpose for your day! Invite the Holy Spirit…

  • THRIVE: Middle and yet just the beginning…

    THRIVE: Middle and yet just the beginning…

    It’s the middle of the week with all that it entails and yet this week is special because it is the end of the workweek as I will get to watch my daughter graduate on Friday. It’s a week where we will get to reunite after over two months apart and celebrate her and the…

  • THRIVE: What will it take for things to get back on track?

    THRIVE: What will it take for things to get back on track?

    Ever heard that what is the greatest threat to the planet according to man? Ever considered if that is the right answer? Many think it is climate change but I would have to disagree. Taken a look around these days and everything that is taking place? Considered that some nations that consider themselves godless and…

  • THRIVE – Let’s check our hearts to make sure they are ready and right.

    THRIVE – Let’s check our hearts to make sure they are ready and right.

    It’s the end of the workweek and it has hit me that I need to look inside. The words I have spoken are like lights on the dash of my car, warning me to check under the hood. The responses that I have had are making those lights blink, warning check your heart. There is…

  • THRIVE: How much change needs to happen for thriving to begin?

    THRIVE: How much change needs to happen for thriving to begin?

    As my workday was coming to a close yesterday I got a message for a late meeting/call. It was to discuss that there would be more change. It wasn’t a surprise to me based on where things were at but it is still a change and a feeling of loss. One more layer is being…

  • What does a background check get you? What else would they find if they searched your heart?

    What does a background check get you? What else would they find if they searched your heart?

    Ever had to get a background check? When you volunteer? When you want to join or become something? When you want to serve kids? When you want to serve teens? When you want to mentor? When you want a job? When you want to become a citizen? Ever noticed the different levels of background checks?…

  • What’s the state of your heart today?

    What’s the state of your heart today?

    After yesterday, a day to focus on thankfulness, what is the state of your heart? After yesterday, a day to draw people together, what is the state of your heart? After yesterday, a day to give thanks to God, what is the state of your heart? What did you do yesterday? What are you thankful…

  • Are you still trying to fill that hole in your heart?

    Are you still trying to fill that hole in your heart?

    Have you tried to fill that need, that desire, that hole with things? Buying more and more in hopes of filling it up and not feeling an emptiness? Have you tried to fill that need, that desire, that hole with relationships? Doing or saying or testing or experimenting more and more in hopes of filling…

  • Did you hear about that “new” thing? Do you realize how much history repeats and how not much new happens?

    Did you hear about that “new” thing? Do you realize how much history repeats and how not much new happens?

    If it’s news does it make it new? Nope. If it is portrayed as different does it make it new? Nope? What’s new? Let’s see what the dictionary has to say: Because it looks different the next time, it gets called new. Because it feels different the next time, it gets called new. Because it…

  • A New Work Week Begins…

    A New Work Week Begins…

    It’s an interesting day as my body got me up much earlier than I normally do. No specific thoughts that were causing worry or anxiety just a sense of let’s get going. So I prayed as I always do before getting out of bed for my wife, kids, family, and the day ahead and then…

  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Ready for something news? What’s it going to take?

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Ready for something news? What’s it going to take?

    What are you going through today? Are you on a treadmill of experiences? Are you feeling like you are on a hamster wheel? Are you trying to find a way out or a way off? Are you ready for something new? Are you ready for a change? Are you wondering which way to turn? Are…

  • It’s a matter of the heart!

    It’s a matter of the heart!

    When you consider the words that come out of your mouth, they are a reflection or overflowing of what is going on in your heart. When God points to the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation it is to make sure that bitterness and anger don’t take root and impact your heart. When we consider the…