Category: A.S.K. (Ask, Seek, Knock)

  • W10D6: Focus and Purpose – It’s what it will take to get there strong.

    W10D6: Focus and Purpose – It’s what it will take to get there strong.

    As I wake up today and consider what is ahead of me, I realize that through these weeks there have been many things taking place outside of my control and my focus on finding my next job. I am glad I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time researching, reviewing, praying over,…

  • W10D2: Focus on the right things. Overflow from your heart and faith will produce.

    W10D2: Focus on the right things. Overflow from your heart and faith will produce.

    Starting today with my morning dog walk the idea of what is being put in will impact what will come out. You’ve heard the saying “from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks“, right? How about how you can tell if it’s a good or back tree based on the fruit it produces and…

  • W9D2: Strategic Thinking, Options vs Temptations.

    W9D2: Strategic Thinking, Options vs Temptations.

    Is a strategy of applying everywhere rather than just where you think you are supposed to go better to test your resume and interview skills? Or would that strategy disqualify you from waiting on God’s timing and creating a Saul moment? How can I use strategic thinking and wisdom from God to choose? Would it…

  • W8D7: Does it exist yet? When will we find it? Trusting God’s timeline.

    W8D7: Does it exist yet? When will we find it? Trusting God’s timeline.

    I know in previous experiences of looking for a new job there were times when the job existed and another time where the job didn’t exist till about a month before I took the job. There were times where I was searching through existing openings and others when the job opened up a month before…

  • W8D6: Into the unknown while trusting God’s plan and perfect timing

    W8D6: Into the unknown while trusting God’s plan and perfect timing

    As I get started today I find myself in a weird position where I am not sure what’s going on, aka I’ve stepped into the unknown. I am trusting in God, even though I don’t know and don’t understand. God’s Word tells me that He has a plan for me that it is for good…

  • W7D6: What can it be? How will I know?

    W7D6: What can it be? How will I know?

    Up early today and turning to God while things are quiet and dark. Looking to God to help me envision what it can be. Turning to God so I it will be clear and that I will know. God’s timing is perfect, and His plans are for good and to give me a future. So,…

  • W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    W7D4: Ever wondered what to do? Today’s verse of the Day brings hope.

    What happens when no new roles are showing up? How to proceed when you’ve checked out the normal places and nothing new that meets the requirements is showing up? And yet there are five active roles in play today. So this morning I am turning to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment, instruction and…

  • W7D2: Is there something else or is it right there?

    W7D2: Is there something else or is it right there?

    The long weekend is over and the schedules are kicking back in today. Are there three more out there to find and attempt? Could one of the five in play be the one? I turn to God and seek His will to try and understand and not give up. I lean in and trust God…

  • W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    W6D7: Keeping Priorities Straight to help stay on track.

    Thought I would test’s AI to get it to summarize the site’s view of priorities. It was interesting to capture what it had to say so will share it here: (in case you want to check it out but sharing answer below) As I prepare to go and serve at church today…

  • W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    W6D6: Heading into a long weekend, imagine what God can do in a shortened week ahead.

    Helped a great friend pack up his moving truck yesterday as he prepares to move away. Wrapped up a week with one more application going in before the weekend and now have five applications active. Not sure which one God has been preparing yet. Not sure of the exact timing yet either. Just know that…

  • W6D4: What will it take? When will it be the time? Where will it be?

    W6D4: What will it take? When will it be the time? Where will it be?

    Strategizing for Success: Navigating the Job Application Process Learning the need to customize the resumes per job with the bots that are looking for ways to disqualify applications in the system since there are so applicants. Working with friends who are colleagues from the past to ensure every application comes through a referral. Is there…

  • W6D3: How do you know as you continue to ask, seek, and knock which is it?

    W6D3: How do you know as you continue to ask, seek, and knock which is it?

    It’s important to know who to ask when you are trying to get an answer. It requires asking the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you as you seek it so that He can answer and help lead and guide you wherever you are headed. As for knocking, my prayer has been and continues to…

  • W6D2: Asking to understand to ensure good stewardship.

    W6D2: Asking to understand to ensure good stewardship.

    Have you ever found yourself pondering something? What sparked your curiosity or led to that thought? Was it a question asked out of fear or worry? Was it a question asked out of some positive or negative intentions? “Did you ask yourself if what you’re thinking about aligns with bringing glory to God?” Will the…

  • W4D1: Sickness in the midst of moving forward, what to do?

    W4D1: Sickness in the midst of moving forward, what to do?

    A new week begins the search for what’s next and sickness is in the forefront. Still in the middle and knowing God is going to meet me here, I am looking for His strength in my weakness so that He can receive the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus’ name. Will a door…

  • W2D7: Trusting in God and His Timing to make a way.

    W2D7: Trusting in God and His Timing to make a way.

    As week 2 draws to a close and there has been movement, just not what I was expecting, it was clear, and God did close a door which I guess speaks about that opportunity. At the same time, a new door became available and so the knocking begins to see if it will open or…

  • Day 3 – Are we at the bump or the ramp? Where will today take us?

    Day 3 – Are we at the bump or the ramp? Where will today take us?

    Yesterday provided me with opportunities to learn as I spoke to a recruiter, grow as I spoke about camps, and give as I watched a part of the youth service. Interesting how it checked the What to do on day 2? Tuesday? Today? Learn, Grow, and Give boxes. Today as we hit Wednesday some call…

  • Seek first the kingdom of God and see what He is going to do.

    Seek first the kingdom of God and see what He is going to do.

    Well, yesterday started early with father-son trip out to through the islands on an adventure to see if the toy-car could be found. I got to spend a lot of fun time with him there and back and having him there and seeing his excitement about the car helped in the decision. For me God’s…

  • Could it be the day? Could it be the time?

    Could it be the day? Could it be the time?

    Ever had an idea of what you wanted? Ever wondered how long it might take to get it? How much searching will it take? How many places will you have to look? What if it shows up somewhere you wouldn’t have thought to look? What if it required others looking and pointing out the opportunities?…

  • Ask God: When mid-week happens too soon, what will you do?

    Ask God: When mid-week happens too soon, what will you do?

    So took a couple days off to serve at a camp which means not only did I finish last week early but I started this week late and now we are mid-week. So, what will I do or where will I turn? Turn to God and ask Him for wisdom and discernment to help navigate…

  • THRIVE: Ask God! Listen to God! Obey God!

    THRIVE: Ask God! Listen to God! Obey God!

    As I begin this morning from a different time and location from usual, I realize how important it is to lean in and ask God when faced with a situation! I experienced the benefits of listening and obeying what God said! Got spoke to me about living without regrets and so I bought the tickets…