Do you see what is going on? What is your first response?

Take a look around and tell me what you see going on. Take a look around and let me know what you think could be the cause behind it. Take a look around and let me know your gut reaction to it. Now what will be your response? Will you join the blame game or … Continue reading Do you see what is going on? What is your first response?

How great is your faith?

Is it big enough that you will share it with others? Will you tell others about what you believe? Will you share the hope? Will you share the love? Will you share the truth? Will you share the reality of how a relationship with Jesus makes a huge difference in your life? Will you share … Continue reading How great is your faith?

Will you give God what you have?

Do you realize that when you have God, you have all that you need? Do you have Jesus in your life or are you trying to make it through life on your own? Do you realize you can't out give God? Do you realize that the only thing God asks us to test Him in … Continue reading Will you give God what you have?

How are you leading people?

Is how you act impacting how others act? Is it creating a positive or negative impact on them and those around them? Are you demonstrating Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control? Are you leading by example so that people are being drawn to God or away from God? Are you helping … Continue reading How are you leading people?

How committed are you?

Will you stay behind or stick with it? Will you tap out or stick with it? Will you give up or stick with it? Will you submit or stick with it? Will you press on? Will you persevere? Will you stick with it even if it is getting hard? Will you stick with it even … Continue reading How committed are you?

Are you turning to the right people for advice?

When you have a life or death situation, where do you turn? When you have a family situation, where do you turn? When you have a health situation, where do you turn? When you have a career situation, where do you turn? When you have a relational situation, where do you turn? When you have … Continue reading Are you turning to the right people for advice?

Will you get involved without seeking wisdom?

Will you hear the ask and say "of course"? Will you hear the ask and say "I'm all in"? Will you hear the ask and say "let's do it"? What would the question have to be to make you pause before answering? What would the question have to be to make you stop and think … Continue reading Will you get involved without seeking wisdom?

How bad do you want it?

Do you want it bad enough that you would do something illegal? Do you want it bad enough that you would do something immoral? Do you want it bad enough that you would do something unethical? Do you want it bad enough that you would do something that could ruin you forever? If you can't … Continue reading How bad do you want it?

No matter what battle you are facing, remember that the battle belongs to the Lord!

Are you facing a challenge at home? Are you facing a challenge in your community? Are you facing a challenge in your workplace? (at work? at school?) How will you face it? How will you handle it? Will you turn to God for wisdom and insight? Will you ask your trusted friends and advisors? Will … Continue reading No matter what battle you are facing, remember that the battle belongs to the Lord!

Don’t lose hope! Don’t be afraid! God will make a way!

Are things looking tough? Are things feeling rough? Are things feeling overwhelming? Are things feeling tense? Are things feeling uncertain? How are you responding? You can't control what comes your way but you can control how you respond. Are you being light in the midst of the darkness? Are you being encouragement in the midst … Continue reading Don’t lose hope! Don’t be afraid! God will make a way!

How much do you believe in God?

Will you go where He sends you? Will you answer when He calls you? Will you do what He asks you? Will you listen when He speaks to you? Will you talk with Him as you walk through this life? Will you invite Jesus into your heart? Will you be sensitive to the prompting of … Continue reading How much do you believe in God?

Don’t give up! Don’t lose hope! God will sustain you!

Ever been going thru a hard time and cried out to God? Ever been going thru a hard time that felt like it would never end? Ever wondered if things would ever get better? Ever gotten thru it and realized that God was with you, providing for you through it all? Ever gotten thru it … Continue reading Don’t give up! Don’t lose hope! God will sustain you!

Don’t forget the past or you will be doomed to repeat it.

Do you remember the lessons you learned from life experiences? Do you remember the lessons you learned from other people's shared experiences? Do you remember the lessons you saw other people experience? Are you taking them as stepping stones to share with others in order to help them avoid the pitfalls? Are you taking them … Continue reading Don’t forget the past or you will be doomed to repeat it.

Family Quarrels?

When you think of family quarrels does the idea come of fights between families or fights within a family? Does it make you think of fights like the Hatfield and McCoy feud that lasted over 100 years? Does it make you think of sibling rivalry? Does it make you think of internal or external conflicts? … Continue reading Family Quarrels?

Are you in good status?

What is your status? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it somewhere in the middle? What if we said your status that we are talking about is your credit score? What if we said your status that we are talking about is your relationship? What if we said your status that we are talking … Continue reading Are you in good status?

Will you keep aligned to all God tells you?

What if He asks you to do something and you see it happen? What if there were more instructions and someone tries to persuade you into not doing that part? Do you believe all that God says? When He proves what He says to be true, will you believe the rest of it? Could anything … Continue reading Will you keep aligned to all God tells you?

How far off track do you need to get before you turn back?

How far down the spiral do you need to get before you look up? How bad do things need to get before you make sure you are aligned with God and just dealing with the troubles of this world versus having walked out from under God's covering? Where are you at today? Are you on … Continue reading How far off track do you need to get before you turn back?

Resist temptation…

If something is going or could tempt you do you still allow yourself to be in the neighborhood? If something is going or could get you off track because of a known temptation how do you plan or prepare? Do you risk it? Do you prepare on mediation techniques? Do you plan for how to … Continue reading Resist temptation…

How will you respond when they show up?

Will you have the wisdom of God to be able to answer their questions? Will you have the character to show humility? Will you have the integrity to speak truthfully in love? Will you have the discernment to understand the intentions? You realize they are watching you right? You realize they are trying to understand … Continue reading How will you respond when they show up?

Dedicated? Dedication. Celebration!

Are you committed? Are you devoted? Are you firm? Are you steadfast? Are you resolute? Are you unwavering? Are you enthusiastic? Are you eager? Are you passionate? Are you hard working? Are you dutiful? To what? Where is your dedication directed? What is your dedication for? What is it doing for you? What is it … Continue reading Dedicated? Dedication. Celebration!